GROUP BY表达式必须至少包含一列

时间:2021-02-17 22:44:58

I have changed my query from oracle to sql and done few changes and Now I have my final sql server query but I am getting an error"Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference" when I run the below query.`

我已经将我的查询从oracle更改为sql并进行了一些更改,现在我有了我的最终sql server查询但是我收到错误“每个GROUP BY表达式必须包含至少一个不是外部引用的列”当我运行时以下查询

                    startdate AS EnforcementDate,
                    'NULL' AS DistrictNo,
                        WHEN LEN(COALESCE(civicno,0))<=2
                        THEN '0'
                        WHEN LEN(COALESCE(civicno,0))>2
                        THEN ISNULL(SUBSTRING(cast(civicno as VARCHAR(6)),1,LEN(civicno)-2), '')+'00'
                    END                     AS civicno,
                    UPPER(streetname)       AS streetname,
                    COUNT(*)                AS TimingCount,
                    0                       AS ticketcount,
                    0                       AS LPRCount,
                    0                       AS ROSACount,
                    STUFF(( SELECT ','+ AGENTNO FROM platetiming a Where 
                    b.AGENTNO = a.AGENTNO FOR XML PATH('')),1 ,1, '') agentno ,
                    0                                  AS PRVCount,
                    0                            AS OfficersCount 
                    platetiming b
                    b.startdate = 2015-01-01 and b.streetname is not null
                GROUP BY
                        WHEN LEN(COALESCE(civicno,0))<=2
                        THEN '0'
                        WHEN LEN(COALESCE(civicno,0))>2
                        THEN ISNULL(SUBSTRING(cast(civicno as VARCHAR(6)),1,LEN(civicno)-2), '')+'00'
                    END ,


1 个解决方案


For GROUP BY, every column in your SELECT list should be in your GROUP BY clause. You're missing quite a few. Also, it would be easier to make use of a CTE, then your GROUP BY only has to deal with column names, not functions.

对于GROUP BY,SELECT列表中的每一列都应该在GROUP BY子句中。你错过了很多。此外,使用CTE会更容易,然后您的GROUP BY只需要处理列名,而不是函数。

Here is a example of how I would write it, make changes as necessary:


with t1 as (
SELECT startdate AS EnforcementDate,
    'NULL' AS DistrictNo,
    WHEN LEN(COALESCE(civicno,0))<=2
    THEN '0'
    WHEN LEN(COALESCE(civicno,0))>2
    THEN ISNULL(SUBSTRING(cast(civicno as VARCHAR(6)),1,LEN(civicno)-2), '')+'00'
    END  AS civicno,
    UPPER(streetname) AS streetname,
    COUNT(*) AS TimingCount,
    0 AS ticketcount,
    0 AS LPRCount,
    0 AS ROSACount,
    STUFF(( SELECT ','+ AGENTNO FROM platetiming a Where 
        b.AGENTNO = a.AGENTNO FOR XML PATH('')),1 ,1, '') agentno ,
    0 AS PRVCount,
    0 AS OfficersCount 
    FROM platetiming b
    WHERE b.startdate = 2015-01-01 and b.streetname is not null 
select *, count(*) as TimingCount
from t1
startdate, DistrictNo, civicno, streetname, ticketcount, LPRCount, ROSACount, PRVCount, OfficersCount


For GROUP BY, every column in your SELECT list should be in your GROUP BY clause. You're missing quite a few. Also, it would be easier to make use of a CTE, then your GROUP BY only has to deal with column names, not functions.

对于GROUP BY,SELECT列表中的每一列都应该在GROUP BY子句中。你错过了很多。此外,使用CTE会更容易,然后您的GROUP BY只需要处理列名,而不是函数。

Here is a example of how I would write it, make changes as necessary:


with t1 as (
SELECT startdate AS EnforcementDate,
    'NULL' AS DistrictNo,
    WHEN LEN(COALESCE(civicno,0))<=2
    THEN '0'
    WHEN LEN(COALESCE(civicno,0))>2
    THEN ISNULL(SUBSTRING(cast(civicno as VARCHAR(6)),1,LEN(civicno)-2), '')+'00'
    END  AS civicno,
    UPPER(streetname) AS streetname,
    COUNT(*) AS TimingCount,
    0 AS ticketcount,
    0 AS LPRCount,
    0 AS ROSACount,
    STUFF(( SELECT ','+ AGENTNO FROM platetiming a Where 
        b.AGENTNO = a.AGENTNO FOR XML PATH('')),1 ,1, '') agentno ,
    0 AS PRVCount,
    0 AS OfficersCount 
    FROM platetiming b
    WHERE b.startdate = 2015-01-01 and b.streetname is not null 
select *, count(*) as TimingCount
from t1
startdate, DistrictNo, civicno, streetname, ticketcount, LPRCount, ROSACount, PRVCount, OfficersCount