具有子列、分组和聚合函数的RAD GridView

时间:2021-03-11 22:38:43

I have a Rad Grid View that I'm using to display some data and it may or may not contain child rows. I also implemented grouping with aggregate functions. Everything works right until I show the child grids. It throws an Index Out of Bounds Exception after expanding the child rows in this part of the code.


具有子列、分组和聚合函数的RAD GridView

I also noticed that the columns are doubled when I expand one of the child rows.


Pic 1. Working all right


具有子列、分组和聚合函数的RAD GridView

Pic 2. Doubled columns after expanding.


具有子列、分组和聚合函数的RAD GridView

Any ideas if gropuing with child rows is supported? I did not see any example in Telerik's web page.

是否支持使用子行进行gropuing ?我在Telerik的网页上没有看到任何例子。

1 个解决方案



It turned out I had an error with my code. Since the grid columns are populated dynamically through the code, I was running the grouping code in the initialization of the children grid.




It turned out I had an error with my code. Since the grid columns are populated dynamically through the code, I was running the grouping code in the initialization of the children grid.
