
时间:2021-09-14 22:32:59

I need to make a method run every 30 seconds - I was simply going to make a single page that was IP restricted and call it via CURL on a scheduled task every 30 seconds.

我需要每隔30秒运行一个方法 - 我只是制作一个受IP限制的单页,并且每隔30秒就通过CURL调用一次计划任务。

I was reading an article and learnt about hangfire - it seems amazing!

我正在阅读一篇文章并了解了篝火 - 这看起来很神奇!

So, I have an existing application that is built on Entity Framework Code First - I tried using the default hangfire settings with the standard database, however I keep getting "login failed for user" yellow screen.

所以,我有一个基于Entity Framework Code First构建的现有应用程序 - 我尝试使用标准数据库的默认hangfire设置,但是我不断收到“用户登录失败”黄色屏幕。

So, I was wondering, is there a quick way to make this just work within the standard entity framework tables\single DbContext, or, am I better off just giving it it's own database and login?


To update as per comment:


I am using a brand new MVC app and simply installed hangfire. The connection string is:


<add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=aspnet-myproject-20150404061144;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

and I added:



However, when launching, I get:



When I delete those three lines from the startup class, the application runs like normal - so, I don't understand what hangfire is doing that can't connect when EF can.

当我从启动类中删除这三行时,应用程序就像正常一样运行 - 因此,我不明白当EF可以连接时无法连接的hangfire正在做什么。

2 个解决方案


It seems Hangfire needs the database to be already created. In my case, I just ensured that it's already initialized:


using (var context = new MyContext())

What this does is:


  • Create the DB
  • 创建数据库

  • Run the designated initializer (if we only call CreateIfNotExists we won't have the proper result in the database)
  • 运行指定的初始化程序(如果我们只调用CreateIfNotExists,我们将无法在数据库中获得正确的结果)

  • Configure Hangfire to use the newly created db (MyContext uses the same connection string name)
  • 配置Hangfire以使用新创建的数据库(MyContext使用相同的连接字符串名称)


This is probably due to you are using a localDB for your project. Obviously, If you need to create Jobs and Hangfire somehow resembles a Message Queu, needs a somehow fast storage solution. LocalDB is anything but fast and probably lacks of many features Hangfire relies upon.

这可能是因为您正在为项目使用localDB。显然,如果你需要创建一个类似于Message Queu的Jobs和Hangfire,需要一个快速存储解决方案。 LocalDB不是很快,可能缺少Hangfire所依赖的许多功能。


It seems Hangfire needs the database to be already created. In my case, I just ensured that it's already initialized:


using (var context = new MyContext())

What this does is:


  • Create the DB
  • 创建数据库

  • Run the designated initializer (if we only call CreateIfNotExists we won't have the proper result in the database)
  • 运行指定的初始化程序(如果我们只调用CreateIfNotExists,我们将无法在数据库中获得正确的结果)

  • Configure Hangfire to use the newly created db (MyContext uses the same connection string name)
  • 配置Hangfire以使用新创建的数据库(MyContext使用相同的连接字符串名称)


This is probably due to you are using a localDB for your project. Obviously, If you need to create Jobs and Hangfire somehow resembles a Message Queu, needs a somehow fast storage solution. LocalDB is anything but fast and probably lacks of many features Hangfire relies upon.

这可能是因为您正在为项目使用localDB。显然,如果你需要创建一个类似于Message Queu的Jobs和Hangfire,需要一个快速存储解决方案。 LocalDB不是很快,可能缺少Hangfire所依赖的许多功能。