CSU 1855: Shut the Box 二进制状态压缩

时间:2021-08-15 20:55:59

CSU 1855: Shut the Box 二进制状态压缩
Shut the Box is a one-player game that begins with a set of N pieces labeled from 1 to N. All pieces are initially “unmarked” (in the picture at right, the unmarked pieces are those in an upward position). In the version we consider, a player is allowed up to T turns, with each turn defined by an independently chosen value V (typically determined by rolling one or more dice). During a turn, the player must designate a set of currently unmarked pieces whose numeric labels add precisely to V, and mark them. The game continues either until the player runs out of turns, or until a single turn when it becomes impossible to find a set of unmarked pieces summing to the designated value V (in which case it and all further turns are forfeited). The goal is to mark as many pieces as possible; marking all pieces is known as “shutting the box.” Your goal is to determine the maximum number of pieces that can be marked by a fixed sequence of turns.

As an example, consider a game with 6 pieces and the following sequence of turns: 10, 3, 4, 2. The best outcome for that sequence is to mark a total of four pieces. This can be achieved by using the value 10 to mark the pieces 1+4+5, and then using the value of 3 to mark piece 3. At that point, the game would end as there is no way to precisely use the turn with value 4 (the final turn of value 2 must be forfeited as well). An alternate strategy for achieving the same number of marked pieces would be to use the value 10 to mark four pieces 1+2+3+4, with the game ending on the turn with value 3. But there does not exist any way to mark five or more pieces with that sequence.

Each game begins with a line containing two integers, N, T where 1 ≤ N ≤ 22 represents the number of pieces, and 1 ≤ T ≤ N represents the maximum number of turns that will be allowed. The following line contains T integers designating the sequence of turn values for the game; each such value V will satisify 1 ≤ V ≤ 22. You must read that entire sequence from the input, even though a particular game might end on an unsuccessful turn prior to the end of the sequence. The data set ends with a line containing 0 0.

You should output a single line for each game, as shown below, reporting the ordinal for the game and the maximum number of pieces that can be marked during that game.
Sample Input

6 4
10 3 4 2
6 5
10 2 4 5 3
10 10
1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
22 22
22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 0

Sample Output

Game 1: 4
Game 2: 6
Game 3: 1
Game 4: 22


avoid enormous arrays or lists, if possible.

2011 Mid-Central USA Regional Contest


每个牌子只有取或不取两种情况 很适合二进制压缩。

#define LL long long
using namespace std;
vector<int> V[23];
vector<int> puls[23];
int vis[1<<23];//剪枝标记
int the_sum=1<<22;
class node
int the_statu,weizhi,ans;//当前状态,拓展到哪个位置,已用卡牌数量
node(int the_statu,int weizhi,int ans):the_statu(the_statu),weizhi(weizhi),ans(ans){}
int build(int n)
int nows=1<<n;
int after=nows;
int jishuqi=1;
return after;
void chushi()//初始化数组;
for(int i=1;i<=the_sum;i++)//枚举每个状态
int tmp=i;
int k=0;
int sum=0;
int puls_sums=0;
sum+=k;//状态数的二进制枚举到了第k位 当前状态所代表的的和+k;
if(sum>22) break;
int the_dig[30];
int main()
int n,m;
int T=0;
while(scanf("%d %d",&n,&m),(n+m))
int maxs=0;
memset(the_dig,0,sizeof the_dig);
memset(vis,0,sizeof vis);
for(int i=1;i<=m;i++)
queue<node> Q;
node now(build(n),0,0);//build(n)表示 只能使用从右数 n位的状态
if(now.weizhi>=m) continue;
int now_dig=the_dig[now.weizhi+1];
int sizes=V[now_dig].size();
for(int j=0;j<sizes;j++)

int the_stat=now.the_statu|V[now_dig][j];
printf("Game %d: %d\n",++T,maxs);
return 0;