
时间:2022-01-05 20:55:19

Further in my code, I check to see check if an object is null/empty. Is there a way to set an object to null?


5 个解决方案



An object of a class cannot be set to NULL; however, you can set a pointer (which contains a memory address of an object) to NULL.


Example of what you can't do which you are asking:


Cat c;
c = NULL;//Compiling error

Example of what you can do:


Cat c;
//Set p to hold the memory address of the object c
Cat *p = &c;
//Set p to hold NULL
p = NULL;



While it is true that an object cannot be "empty/null" in C++, in C++17, we got std::optional to express that intent.

虽然一个对象在c++中不能为“空/空”,但在c++ 17中,我们得到了std::可选来表达这个意图。

Example use:


std::optional<int> v1;      // "empty" int
std::optional<int> v2(3);   // Not empty, "contains a 3"

You can then check if the optional contains a value with


v1.has_value(); // false


if(v2) {
    // You get here if v2 is not empty

A plain int (or any type), however, can never be "null" or "empty" (by your definition of those words) in any useful sense. Think of std::optional as a container in this regard.


If you don't have a C++17 compliant compiler at hand, you can use boost.optional instead. Some pre-C++17 compilers also offer std::experimental::optional, which will behave at least close to the actual std::optional afaik. Check your compiler's manual for details.

如果您手头没有一个c++ 17兼容的编译器,您可以使用boost。可选的。一些pre- c++ 17编译器也提供std::experimental:::optional,它的行为至少接近于实际的std::optional afaik。查看编译器手册以获取详细信息。



You want to check if an object is NULL/empty. Being NULL and empty are not the same. Like Justin and Brian have already mentioned, in C++ NULL is an assignment you'd typically associate with pointers. You can overload operator= perhaps, but think it through real well if you actually want to do this. Couple of other things:


  1. In C++ NULL pointer is very different to pointer pointing to an 'empty' object.
  2. 在c++中,空指针与指向“空”对象的指针非常不同。
  3. Why not have a bool IsEmpty() method that returns true if an object's variables are reset to some default state? Guess that might bypass the NULL usage.
  4. 为什么不让bool IsEmpty()方法返回true,如果对象的变量被重置为某种默认状态?我猜这可能会绕过零使用。
  5. Having something like A* p = new A; ... p = NULL; is bad (no delete p) unless you can ensure your code will be garbage collected. If anything, this'd lead to memory leaks and with several such leaks there's good chance you'd have slow code.
  6. 有一个* p =新的A;…p =零;是坏的(不删除p)除非你能确保你的代码被垃圾收集。如果有的话,这将导致内存泄漏,如果有几个这样的泄漏,那么很可能会出现代码缓慢的情况。
  7. You may want to do this class Null {}; Null _NULL; and then overload operator= and operator!= of other classes depending on your situation.
  8. 您可能想要执行这个类Null {};零_NULL;然后重载运算符=和运算符!=根据你的情况。

Perhaps you should post us some details about the context to help you better with option 4.






You can set any pointer to NULL, though NULL is simply defined as 0 in C++:


myObject *foo = NULL;

Also note that NULL is defined if you include standard headers, but is not built into the language itself. If NULL is undefined, you can use 0 instead, or include this:


#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

As an aside, if you really want to set an object, not a pointer, to NULL, you can read about the Null Object Pattern.




"an object" of what type?


You can certainly assign NULL (and nullptr) to objects of pointer types, and it is implementation defined if you can assign NULL to objects of arithmetic types.


If you mean objects of some class type, the answer is NO (excepting classes that have operator= accepting pointer or arithmetic types)


"empty" is more plausible, as many types have both copy assignment and default construction (often implicitly). To see if an existing object is like a default constructed one, you will also need an appropriate bool operator==




An object of a class cannot be set to NULL; however, you can set a pointer (which contains a memory address of an object) to NULL.


Example of what you can't do which you are asking:


Cat c;
c = NULL;//Compiling error

Example of what you can do:


Cat c;
//Set p to hold the memory address of the object c
Cat *p = &c;
//Set p to hold NULL
p = NULL;



While it is true that an object cannot be "empty/null" in C++, in C++17, we got std::optional to express that intent.

虽然一个对象在c++中不能为“空/空”,但在c++ 17中,我们得到了std::可选来表达这个意图。

Example use:


std::optional<int> v1;      // "empty" int
std::optional<int> v2(3);   // Not empty, "contains a 3"

You can then check if the optional contains a value with


v1.has_value(); // false


if(v2) {
    // You get here if v2 is not empty

A plain int (or any type), however, can never be "null" or "empty" (by your definition of those words) in any useful sense. Think of std::optional as a container in this regard.


If you don't have a C++17 compliant compiler at hand, you can use boost.optional instead. Some pre-C++17 compilers also offer std::experimental::optional, which will behave at least close to the actual std::optional afaik. Check your compiler's manual for details.

如果您手头没有一个c++ 17兼容的编译器,您可以使用boost。可选的。一些pre- c++ 17编译器也提供std::experimental:::optional,它的行为至少接近于实际的std::optional afaik。查看编译器手册以获取详细信息。



You want to check if an object is NULL/empty. Being NULL and empty are not the same. Like Justin and Brian have already mentioned, in C++ NULL is an assignment you'd typically associate with pointers. You can overload operator= perhaps, but think it through real well if you actually want to do this. Couple of other things:


  1. In C++ NULL pointer is very different to pointer pointing to an 'empty' object.
  2. 在c++中,空指针与指向“空”对象的指针非常不同。
  3. Why not have a bool IsEmpty() method that returns true if an object's variables are reset to some default state? Guess that might bypass the NULL usage.
  4. 为什么不让bool IsEmpty()方法返回true,如果对象的变量被重置为某种默认状态?我猜这可能会绕过零使用。
  5. Having something like A* p = new A; ... p = NULL; is bad (no delete p) unless you can ensure your code will be garbage collected. If anything, this'd lead to memory leaks and with several such leaks there's good chance you'd have slow code.
  6. 有一个* p =新的A;…p =零;是坏的(不删除p)除非你能确保你的代码被垃圾收集。如果有的话,这将导致内存泄漏,如果有几个这样的泄漏,那么很可能会出现代码缓慢的情况。
  7. You may want to do this class Null {}; Null _NULL; and then overload operator= and operator!= of other classes depending on your situation.
  8. 您可能想要执行这个类Null {};零_NULL;然后重载运算符=和运算符!=根据你的情况。

Perhaps you should post us some details about the context to help you better with option 4.






You can set any pointer to NULL, though NULL is simply defined as 0 in C++:


myObject *foo = NULL;

Also note that NULL is defined if you include standard headers, but is not built into the language itself. If NULL is undefined, you can use 0 instead, or include this:


#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

As an aside, if you really want to set an object, not a pointer, to NULL, you can read about the Null Object Pattern.




"an object" of what type?


You can certainly assign NULL (and nullptr) to objects of pointer types, and it is implementation defined if you can assign NULL to objects of arithmetic types.


If you mean objects of some class type, the answer is NO (excepting classes that have operator= accepting pointer or arithmetic types)


"empty" is more plausible, as many types have both copy assignment and default construction (often implicitly). To see if an existing object is like a default constructed one, you will also need an appropriate bool operator==
