使用FileSystemWatcher检测xml文件,使用Linq读取xml文件并提示结果错误“Root Element is Missing”

时间:2023-01-20 20:55:34

My application is already working it can detect the xml file and prompt the content of the xml file but sometimes it will prompt "Root element is missing", and sometimes also it is okay but when I open the xml file, it is ok, it has contents on it. How to solve this issue.

我的应用程序已经开始工作了,它可以检测xml文件并提示xml文件的内容,但有时它会提示“Root element is missing”,有时它也可以,但是当我打开xml文件时,它是ok的,上面有内容。如何解决这个问题。

Here is the screenshot of the error:


使用FileSystemWatcher检测xml文件,使用Linq读取xml文件并提示结果错误“Root Element is Missing”

Here is the code:


private void fileSystemWatcher_Created(object sender, System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs e)
        string invoice = "";
        using (var stream = System.IO.File.Open(e.FullPath, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite))
            var doc = System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(stream);
            var transac = from r in doc.Descendants("Transaction")
                          select new
                              InvoiceNumber = r.Element("InvoiceNumber").Value,

            foreach (var i in transac)
                invoice = i.InvoiceNumber;

        fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;

The error goes here var doc = System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(stream);

错误出现在这里,var doc = System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(流);

2 个解决方案



The FileSystemWatcher will raise the event very quickly when the file chanes. It is possible that the write operatrion has not finished before you read the file.


To test that, add a Thread.Sleep(100); before you read the file as a quick workaround.


To get a better solution, do not open the file in shared mode, but try if you can open it exclusively. If this fails, wait some milliseconds and try again - until you can open the file exclusively. Also take care that the event might be triggered more than once - this depends on how the other task writes to the file.




It is possible that there is a race condition when the file created and then written to in separate steps. Thus, occasionally you have an empty file when the created event fires which causes an exception. You should wait a short period after the Created event fires for a Changed event on the FileSystemWatcher. Also, note that there many be several Changed events before all content appears in the file if a significant amount is being written.




The FileSystemWatcher will raise the event very quickly when the file chanes. It is possible that the write operatrion has not finished before you read the file.


To test that, add a Thread.Sleep(100); before you read the file as a quick workaround.


To get a better solution, do not open the file in shared mode, but try if you can open it exclusively. If this fails, wait some milliseconds and try again - until you can open the file exclusively. Also take care that the event might be triggered more than once - this depends on how the other task writes to the file.




It is possible that there is a race condition when the file created and then written to in separate steps. Thus, occasionally you have an empty file when the created event fires which causes an exception. You should wait a short period after the Created event fires for a Changed event on the FileSystemWatcher. Also, note that there many be several Changed events before all content appears in the file if a significant amount is being written.
