
时间:2022-05-09 20:52:21

I need to pass javascript date value to vb.net function.


Method iam using now: convert javascript date to string store it in hiddenfield retrieve string from hidden field in server code and parse it using date.parse


the trouble is that the Javascript dateformats

麻烦的是Javascript dateformats

toString() - Sat Apr 4 22:19:00 UTC+0530 2009

toString() - Sat Apr 4 22:19:00 UTC + 0530 2009

toDateString() - Sat Apr 4 2009

toDateString() - 2009年4月4日星期六

toLocaleString() - Saturday, April 04, 2009 10:19:00 PM

toLocaleString() - 2009年4月4日星期六,下午10:19:00

doesnt match vb date format. I am getting error that its unparseable.


Thanks in advance for the help


5 个解决方案


The problem with using ToLocaleString is that you lose timezone info and its obviously locale specific which means you need to parse it with the right culture.


I was thinking:-


DateTime d = DateTime.ParseExact(sInput, "ddd MMM d HH:mm:ss UTCzzzz yyyy" , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

DateTime d = DateTime.ParseExact(sInput,“ddd MMM d HH:mm:ss UTCzzzz yyyy”,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

But that isn't cross browser compliant (the ECMA spec does not define what toString should actually do).


However we do know that the value of a Javascript Date object is the number of milliseconds from midnight Jan 1, 1970. Hence you could instead store the .valueOf of a date object in your hidden field. Use Int32.Parse on the string first, create a TimeSpan from the that value and add it to a DateTime of Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC+0000.

但是我们知道Javascript Date对象的值是从1970年1月1日午夜开始的毫秒数。因此,您可以将日期对象的.valueOf存储在隐藏字段中。首先在字符串上使用Int32.Parse,从该值创建TimeSpan并将其添加到DateTime,1970 00:00:00 UTC + 0000。

int milliseconds = Int32.Parse(inputString);
TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(milliseconds);
DateTime base = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
DateTime result = base + t;


Why not instead pass the Javascript date as a string and then convert it to a date type in VB.net.


Public Function ConvertJavaScriptDate(ByVal d as String) As Date
  Return Date.Parse(d)
End Function

Another option is to use CType(d,Date). CType is a lexical cast that will try a variety of ways to convert the string value to a Date.

另一种选择是使用CType(d,Date)。 CType是一个词法转换,它会尝试各种方法将字符串值转换为Date。

I'm not terribly familiar with the difference between a JavaScript Date and a VB.Net Date in terms of format, but if you post an example I'm sure we can get a basic conversion going.



Since I don't have to worry about culture difference I am going to use toLocaleString().


toLocaleString() parses fine to a string compatible with Date.Parse().


Anyway thanks for posting your replies.



This just a datetime formating issue can you look this post for more details. How we can resolve the datetime problem shifting the Access DB from production server to live

这只是一个日期时间格式问题,您可以查看此帖子了解更多详情。我们如何解决将Access DB从生产服务器转移到实时的日期时间问题


You can also use DateTime.ParseExact() to tell the VB code exactly what the incoming string should look like.



The problem with using ToLocaleString is that you lose timezone info and its obviously locale specific which means you need to parse it with the right culture.


I was thinking:-


DateTime d = DateTime.ParseExact(sInput, "ddd MMM d HH:mm:ss UTCzzzz yyyy" , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

DateTime d = DateTime.ParseExact(sInput,“ddd MMM d HH:mm:ss UTCzzzz yyyy”,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

But that isn't cross browser compliant (the ECMA spec does not define what toString should actually do).


However we do know that the value of a Javascript Date object is the number of milliseconds from midnight Jan 1, 1970. Hence you could instead store the .valueOf of a date object in your hidden field. Use Int32.Parse on the string first, create a TimeSpan from the that value and add it to a DateTime of Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC+0000.

但是我们知道Javascript Date对象的值是从1970年1月1日午夜开始的毫秒数。因此,您可以将日期对象的.valueOf存储在隐藏字段中。首先在字符串上使用Int32.Parse,从该值创建TimeSpan并将其添加到DateTime,1970 00:00:00 UTC + 0000。

int milliseconds = Int32.Parse(inputString);
TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(milliseconds);
DateTime base = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
DateTime result = base + t;


Why not instead pass the Javascript date as a string and then convert it to a date type in VB.net.


Public Function ConvertJavaScriptDate(ByVal d as String) As Date
  Return Date.Parse(d)
End Function

Another option is to use CType(d,Date). CType is a lexical cast that will try a variety of ways to convert the string value to a Date.

另一种选择是使用CType(d,Date)。 CType是一个词法转换,它会尝试各种方法将字符串值转换为Date。

I'm not terribly familiar with the difference between a JavaScript Date and a VB.Net Date in terms of format, but if you post an example I'm sure we can get a basic conversion going.



Since I don't have to worry about culture difference I am going to use toLocaleString().


toLocaleString() parses fine to a string compatible with Date.Parse().


Anyway thanks for posting your replies.



This just a datetime formating issue can you look this post for more details. How we can resolve the datetime problem shifting the Access DB from production server to live

这只是一个日期时间格式问题,您可以查看此帖子了解更多详情。我们如何解决将Access DB从生产服务器转移到实时的日期时间问题


You can also use DateTime.ParseExact() to tell the VB code exactly what the incoming string should look like.
