Swift has gotten me to finally give IOS development a try, but I'm having some issues with CoreData. I'm having no luck trying to access my properties that map to my one-to-many relationships.
I've got a one-to-many relationship set up as such:
class Project: NSManagedObject {
@NSManaged var name:String
@NSManaged var scribbles : Array<Scribble>
class Scribble: NSManagedObject {
@NSManaged var notes:String
@NSManaged var project:Project
I fetch my data like this:
let request = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Projects");
request.returnsObjectsAsFaults = false;
request.includesSubentities = true;
var results:NSArray = context.executeFetchRequest(request, error: nil);
for project in results
let thisProject:Project = project as Project;
But whenever I try to iterate over the scribbles for a project using for..in I get this exception:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[Scribble count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
When I println on my project object It looks like I'm getting something back, I just don't know what to do with it.
<Project: 0xb48e010> (entity: Projects; id: 0xb48d340 <x-coredata://CDEFAC19-4D9E-426D-B0CC-EFFEE9053707/Projects/p3> ; data: {
name = Larry;
scribbles = "0xb48e7b0 <x-coredata://CDEFAC19-4D9E-426D-B0CC-EFFEE9053707/Scribbles/p3>";
1 个解决方案
From the exception that's being thrown, it appears you're trying to iterate over a collection, but instead project.scribbles returning a collection, its returning an instance of Scribble.
That makes me think that your relationship is set up as 'to one' in the data modeler. Make sure that you've set the relationship to 'to many'. You can do that by selecting the relationship, and there will be an option in the Data Model Inspector called type - it's set to 'to one' by default.
这让我觉得你的关系在数据建模器中被设置为“一个”。确保您已将关系设置为“to many”。您可以通过选择关系来实现,并且数据模型检查器中将有一个名为type的选项 - 默认情况下它设置为“to one”。
From the exception that's being thrown, it appears you're trying to iterate over a collection, but instead project.scribbles returning a collection, its returning an instance of Scribble.
That makes me think that your relationship is set up as 'to one' in the data modeler. Make sure that you've set the relationship to 'to many'. You can do that by selecting the relationship, and there will be an option in the Data Model Inspector called type - it's set to 'to one' by default.
这让我觉得你的关系在数据建模器中被设置为“一个”。确保您已将关系设置为“to many”。您可以通过选择关系来实现,并且数据模型检查器中将有一个名为type的选项 - 默认情况下它设置为“to one”。