file="class.cpp" name=${file%.*} ext=${file#*.} echo "name=$name, ext=$ext"
name=class, ext=cpp
if file="/proj/class.cpp", name will be "/proj/class".
% - means to delete the matched pattern from right to left, it is non-greedy, %% is greedy;
# - means to delete the matched pattern from left to right, it is non-greedy, ## id greedy.
file="class.ver2.cpp" lname=${file%.*} sname=${file%%.*} lext=${file#*.} sext=${file##*.} echo "lname=$lname, sname=$sname" echo "lext=$lext, sext=$sext"
will get
lname=class.ver2, sname=class lext=ver2.cpp, sext=cpp