
时间:2021-06-30 00:30:30
更新时间:2021-06-30 00:30:30
系统开源 leetcode 答案 leetcode部分答案 语言:python
--------20 validParentheses.c(810B)
--------38 Count and say.cpp(607B)
--------12 Integer to roman.cpp(579B)
--------28 implement strStr.c(420B)
--------27 removeElement.c(310B)
--------70 climbStairs.c(100B)
--------35 searchInsert.c(362B)
--------7.reverse integer.c(280B)
--------8 Srting to Integer(atoi).cpp(737B)
--------13 RomanToNumber.cpp(558B)
--------202 HappyNumber.c(385B)
--------88 void merge.c(302B)
--------196.delete duplicated emails.sql(75B)
--------596.classes more than 5 students.sql(125B)
--------197.rising temperature.sql(173B)
--------183.customers who never order.sql(97B)
--------175.Combine Two Tables.sql(109B)
--------182.duplicate emails.sql(64B)
--------595.big countries.sql(122B)
--------627.swap salary.sql(104B)
--------176.second highest salary.sql(201B)
--------620.not boring movies.sql(131B)
--------181.employee earning more than their managers.sql(136B)
--------114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List.py(555B)
--------637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree.py(586B)
--------621. Task Scheduler.py(457B)
--------222. Count Complete Tree Nodes.py(485B)
--------78. Subsets.py(311B)
--------556. Next Greater Element III.py(675B)
--------151. Reverse Words in a String.py(192B)
--------394. Decode String.py(476B)
--------680. Valid Palindrome II.py(521B)
--------105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal.py(645B)
--------145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal.py(536B)
--------289. Game of Life.py(1KB)
--------96. Unique Binary Search Trees.py(257B)
--------165. Compare Version Numbers.py(904B)
--------563. Binary Tree Tilt.py(545B)
--------129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers.py(589B)
--------378. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix.py(259B)
--------503. Next Greater Element II.py(372B)
--------617. Merge Two Binary Trees.py(420B)
--------493. Reverse Pairs.py(570B)
--------451. Sort Characters By Frequency.py(355B)
--------775. Global and Local Inversions.py(235B)
--------144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal.py(532B)
--------515. Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row.py(520B)
--------102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal.py(503B)
--------106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.py(651B)
--------606. Construct String from Binary Tree.py(396B)
--------81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II.py(232B)
--------162. Find Peak Element.py(523B)
--------788. Rotated Digits.py(356B)
--------563. Binary Tree Tilt.py(545B)
--------796. Rotate String.py(289B)
--------520. Detect Capital.py(341B)
