
时间:2011-11-20 05:16:38
更新时间:2011-11-20 05:16:38
调试 破解 工具 crack HideToolz --------------------------- HideToolz (ultimate crackers tools hider) ------------- HideToolz is intended for hiding crackers tools from different protection trying define their presence. 1) Hiding processes from all possible ring3 methods of the finding. 2) Hiding windows from enumeration and searching for on the known name. 3) Protection processes from opening on the known pid (as well as from indirect methods of the opening). 4) Parental process emulation (for all visible processes runned from hidden, will be emulated parental process explorer.exe) 5) Protection from rebooting windows (and log all rebooting attempts). 6) Protection from formatting the disk (and log all formatting attempts). Attention: access of the hidden processes unrestricted, and they can see the real system state. For impossibility of the finding HideToolz file on disk, is recommended rename file and pack its any packer. 经常用来隐藏OllyIce进程来实现反反调试


  • 根本没法用啊,can't open ,打开后点击隐藏毫无反应
  • 不会用~还是非常感谢分享
  • 完美运行无压力,网上其他很多都带毒的
  • 不知道快捷键,不能隐藏窗口
  • 还是可以运行的。
  • 我的是win7系统 显示不完整555555555555
  • 东西不错,可以,好用
  • 没作用,但是仍然感谢!
  • 还是可以用的。
  • win7的系统怎么用不了啊,总是驱动加载失败
  • 很好用,最简单的隐藏工具
  • 原理还是比较简单,但是实现起来还是多花点工夫。
  • - - 修改了进程属性当然会报……你会不会用啊
  • 东西不错。,好用,只是报毒