
时间:2018-01-04 06:10:34
更新时间:2018-01-04 06:10:34
VBS vbs 批量修改文件,bat 批处理文件调用执行vbs,并在cmd窗口打印返回值(vbs运行结果) 使用vbs 脚本对工作目录下的字符串进行替换并统计被修改的文件数主调的批处理方法将捕捉该vbs脚本运行后的结果并打印在cmd窗口。 示例代码(t.vbs)如下: Set fso=Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") flrName="D:\Workspace\src\" 'dir that you need deal with count=0 'get the count of modified files function Traversal(dir) set flr=fso.getfolder(dir) set fs=flr.files findstr1="[assembly: SecurityTransparent]" 'find string that need to be replaced findstr2=replace(findstr1," ","") 'becasuse there isspace char in findstr,so add this findstr2 replaceStr="[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers()]" 'destination stringin replace for each f in fs if lcase(f.name)="assemblyinfo.cs" then set findf=fso.opentextfile(f) do while findf.atendofstream=false d=f.datelastmodified 'get modified datetime of current file alltext=findf.readall if(InStr(alltext,findstr1)> 0 ) then s=replace(alltext,findstr1, replaceStr) count=count+1 findf.close() 'If no findstr2, delete the following elseif block elseif(InStr(alltext,findstr2) > 0) then s=replace(alltext,findstr2, replaceStr) count=count+1 findf.close() else findf.close() exit do end if set r=fso.opentextfile(f, 2, true) r.write s d2=f.datelastmodified if d2>=d then exit do loop end if next set fs=flr.subfolders for each f in fs Traversal(f.path) next end function Traversal(flrName) 'msgbox ("Done! "& count &" files were modified successfully.") wscript.echo "Done! "& count & " files were modified successfully." 'value popup by"wscript.echo" can be received by .bat easily Wscript.quit count 'this variable "count" in order to get a return value by%ErrorLevel% 上面的操作只执行了处理文件的步骤 如果不需要提取运行结果,在 批处理 或主调vbs脚本里直接 运行该vbs文件就行了。 如果在bat 里调用该vbs脚本,并希望打印出提示信息 可以用下面的两种方法来实现: 1,在bat中加入如下代码
