OSGi and Equinox: Creating Highly Modular Java™ Systems

时间:2014-10-19 04:15:18
文件名称:OSGi and Equinox: Creating Highly Modular Java™ Systems
更新时间:2014-10-19 04:15:18
OSGi Equinox From itpub. OSGi is a powerful, robust modularity framework and runtime. Equinox is a robust, scalable, and comprehensive implementation of the key OSGi specifications. Both the specifications and the implementations are open and driven by multi-vendor organizations with a long track record of delivering innovation. The value that these technologies deliver enables individual developers, teams, and organizations to change the way they develop and deliver software. This grand claim has been substantiated by numerous examples in open-source and commercial software settings, including the NASA team building Maestro and Ensemble. As this pair evolves, OSGi coming up from the embedded world and Equinox coming down from the tooling domain, they are spreading into the more traditional server runtime space where Java application server vendors are adopting the approach with gusto. No wonder analysts are calling OSGi one of the hottest technologies to watch. Throughout the rest of this book we walk you through the details of OSGi, real-world examples of its benefits, and best practices for leveraging these in your projects.


  • 好东西,学习中
  • OSGI开发的权威指南,你值得拥有!
  • 挺好的一本书,值得一读
  • osgi开始材料。从idempiere开始就追到这了。。。
  • 算是完整的了,是学习equinox最好的资料了
  • OSGi经典, 英文不好, 读起来有点难度
  • 配合中文版看比较合适
  • 很好的书籍。。。
  • 不错的OSGi入门书籍。
  • 非常好的书。但是不适合初学者。
  • 不错的介绍OSGi的参考书。
  • 太乱了,好像有的章节没有
  • 学习equinox必不可少的资料,谢谢
  • 好书,不过有点难懂。。。 没有 OSGi 基础的还是先学 OSGi 再学 Spring-OSGi...
  • hard to understand....
  • 书签是乱的。
  • 找了好久才找到的好书,利用假期时间好好看看,谢谢分享。
  • 书很好!但有些章节是html,不方便。
  • 里面的章节太多了,看起来不是太方便,但是书是很不错的。
  • 书是不错的, 就是感觉有点乱,不够清晰。
  • 章节太多,优点儿乱。
  • 比较乱。里面的东西乱七八糟的
  • Overall the book is excellent. The writing is clear and concise which is a huge change from some of the computer books I've been seeing. This is a very good book on OSGi and covers almost everything one would need to develop OSGi applications. As someone new to OSGi development I felt right at home
  • 资源不错,只是没有统一整合起来,不太好用。
  • 书是好书,有的章节是PDF,有的章节是html看起来不是很方便。