7.10 其他面向对象设计原则1: 开-闭原则OCP

时间:2022-03-30 18:23:06

其他面向对象设计原则1: 开-闭原则OCP
   Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
5.1 设计变坏的前兆 Signs of Rotting Design

   僵硬性 Rigidity

     难以更改代码 code difficult to change

     从管理角度,拒绝任何的变化成为一种制度

      management reluctance(拒绝) to change anything becomes policy

     易碎性 Fragility

       即使是小小的改动也会导致级联性的后果的 even small changes can cause cascading effects

       代码在意想不到的地方终止 code breaks in unexpected places

     固定性 Immobility

       代码纠缠在一起根本不可能重用 code is so tangled(纠结) that it's impossible to reuse anything

     黏滞性 Viscosity

       宁愿重新编写也不愿意修改 much easier to hack(乱砍) than to preserve original design
5.2 设计变坏的原因 Causes of Rotting Design

   需求不停地变化 Changing Requirements

     这是不可避免的 is inevitable

     I. Jacobson, OOSE, 1992说,“所有的系统在其生命周期都在发生变化, 如果拟开发的系统生命期多


    All systems change during their life-cycles. This must be borne in mind when

    developing systems expected to last longer than the first version"

   设计的问题:“依赖管理”失衡

     导致高耦合、低内聚
5.3 开闭原则 Open-Closed Principle (OCP)

   软件系统在其生命周期都在发生变化

     无论是好的设计还是坏的设计,都面临着这个问题 both better designs and poor designs have to

      face the changes

     但好的设计是稳定的 good designs are stable

   开-闭原则

     软件系统应当允许功能扩展(即开放性)Software entities should be open for extension,

     但是不允许修改原有的代码(即关闭性)but closed for modification (OCP)

   遵循开-闭原则的模块符合下列准则

     Open for Extension – 可以扩展行为以满足新的需求

     CLosed for Modification – 但不允许修改模块的源代码

      the source code of the module is not allowed to change
5.5 OCP的启发 Heuristics
   修改公有的数据,经常冒着“打开”模块的风险

    Changes to public data are always at risk to “open” the module

     它们常常会引起涟漪效应,导致许多地方连锁修改

      They may have a rippling effect requiring changes at many unexpected locations

     很难找全出错的地方并修改,一处修改会导致多处又出问题

      Errors can be difficult to completely find and fix. Fixes may cause errors elsewhere
  1)定义所有的对象 - 数据为私有的 Make all object-data private

  2)不要使用全局变量 No Global Variables!
5.7 小结

   OCP解决软件的僵硬性和易碎性 attacks software rigidity and fragility!

     When one change causes a cascade of changes

   OCP 宣言

     我们应当尝试设计永远不需要修改的模块

      we should attempt to design modules that never need to be changed

     系统行为的扩展只需要增加新的代码,不能修改已有的代码

      extend the behavior of the system by adding new code. We do not modify old code

     模块不允许修改已有的代码,而这种修改会影响客户端

       the module is closed to modification in ways that affect clients