启动所需的附加服务(resque, redis)和“rails服务器”命令。

时间:2022-12-15 18:21:32

I would like my development environment for Rails to automatically start redis and resque (and potentially in other projects, mongod, mysql-server etc.) for me, in the following cases:

我希望我的Rails开发环境能够自动启动redis和resque(并可能在其他项目中,mongod, mysql-server等),在以下情况下:

  • When starting up the development server rails server.
  • 当启动开发服务器rails服务器时。

Additionally, it would be nice if the following cases detect already running services, and, if not running start them up too:


  • Rake rspec, rspec /spec, when running tests.
  • 当运行测试时,耙子rspec, rspec /spec。
  • When starting up a rails console.
  • 当启动一个rails控制台时。

When shutting down the rails server, the started child-services should be shut down too.


What is the correct place for such additional startup scripts?


And how to avoid them being started in production too (where I run everything trough /etc/init.d services)?

以及如何避免它们在生产中启动(我在/etc/ initit中运行所有内容)。d服务)?

2 个解决方案



A lot of these built-in tasks are available as rake tasks already.


You can create a master rake task that does it all.


For example, with resque, you get "rake resque:start" "rake resque:scheduler:start", etc.

例如,使用resque,您将获得“rake resque:start”、“rake resque:scheduler:start”等。

You can create a generic "start" task that depends on the rest. Similarly, a "stop" task would shut everything down.


So you would do:


rake start # starts all associated processes
rake stop  # stops them all

This is also very use to use from Capistrano, when you end up deploying your code somewhere else. Rake tasks are very easy to call from Capistrano.




I think it's really better to do that in some external script. Do it in your rails server command can be really annoying to anyone to try your code.


By example, in one year, a nez developper come to your project. He can be desoriented if your rails server commande launch a such of other application in background.


In same idea, if you do that you need maintain your code in your rails env. Can be a little tricky. Maintain an independant script can be more usefull.

同样,如果您这样做,您需要在rails env中维护代码。可能有点棘手。维护独立脚本可能更有用。

You can add your script in script directory. That be a good pratice. But not when you launch a command with a manual who do not that.




A lot of these built-in tasks are available as rake tasks already.


You can create a master rake task that does it all.


For example, with resque, you get "rake resque:start" "rake resque:scheduler:start", etc.

例如,使用resque,您将获得“rake resque:start”、“rake resque:scheduler:start”等。

You can create a generic "start" task that depends on the rest. Similarly, a "stop" task would shut everything down.


So you would do:


rake start # starts all associated processes
rake stop  # stops them all

This is also very use to use from Capistrano, when you end up deploying your code somewhere else. Rake tasks are very easy to call from Capistrano.




I think it's really better to do that in some external script. Do it in your rails server command can be really annoying to anyone to try your code.


By example, in one year, a nez developper come to your project. He can be desoriented if your rails server commande launch a such of other application in background.


In same idea, if you do that you need maintain your code in your rails env. Can be a little tricky. Maintain an independant script can be more usefull.

同样,如果您这样做,您需要在rails env中维护代码。可能有点棘手。维护独立脚本可能更有用。

You can add your script in script directory. That be a good pratice. But not when you launch a command with a manual who do not that.
