
时间:2023-02-02 16:38:08

I am using entity framework 6, calling a stored procedure which takes a table value parameter. The stored procedure executes without error but returns no rows. I use profiler to trace the call so I can see how EF executes it. If I manually call the stored procedure a different way it will return rows as expected.


Here's my application code:


public IEnumerable<Table1> ListTableValueParameter(IEnumerable<int> lstIDs)
    //Convert enumerable int to DataTable
    System.Data.DataTable dtIDs = new System.Data.DataTable();
    dtIDs.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));

    foreach(int i in lstIDs)

    var db = new POCDBContext();

    //Create parameter for table
    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter p = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter();
    p.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Structured;
    p.ParameterName = "@IDS";
    p.Value = dtIDs;
    p.TypeName = "dbo.IntegerTableParameter";

    using (var connection = db.Database.Connection)
        var command = connection.CreateCommand();
        command.CommandText = "EXEC [dbo].pList_TableProperties";


        //Execute stored procedure
        using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())


This code executes the following sql statements at runtime, which returns no records:


declare @p3 dbo.IntegerTableParameter
insert into @p3 values(1)
insert into @p3 values(2)
insert into @p3 values(3)
insert into @p3 values(4)
insert into @p3 values(5)

exec sp_executesql N'EXEC [dbo].pList_TableProperties',N'@IDS [dbo].[IntegerTableParameter] READONLY',@IDS=@p3

If I run the following sql, it will return records:


declare @p3 dbo.IntegerTableParameter
insert into @p3 values(1)
insert into @p3 values(2)
insert into @p3 values(3)
insert into @p3 values(4)
insert into @p3 values(5)

EXEC [dbo].pList_TableProperties @p3

Is there something different I can do on the client side to get this to execute correctly?


1 个解决方案



This code executes the following sql statements at runtime, which returns no records:


declare @p3 dbo.IntegerTableParameter
insert into @p3 values(1)
insert into @p3 values(2)
insert into @p3 values(3)
insert into @p3 values(4)
insert into @p3 values(5)

exec sp_executesql N'EXEC [dbo].pList_TableProperties',N'@IDS [dbo].[IntegerTableParameter]

This code returns no record because it does not pass any parameter to stored procedure. This does not cause an error but outputs nothing. The code should look like this (I evidenced missing parameter with *****) :


exec sp_executesql N'EXEC [dbo].pList_TableProperties *****@IDS*****',N'@IDS [dbo].[IntegerTableParameter]



This code executes the following sql statements at runtime, which returns no records:


declare @p3 dbo.IntegerTableParameter
insert into @p3 values(1)
insert into @p3 values(2)
insert into @p3 values(3)
insert into @p3 values(4)
insert into @p3 values(5)

exec sp_executesql N'EXEC [dbo].pList_TableProperties',N'@IDS [dbo].[IntegerTableParameter]

This code returns no record because it does not pass any parameter to stored procedure. This does not cause an error but outputs nothing. The code should look like this (I evidenced missing parameter with *****) :


exec sp_executesql N'EXEC [dbo].pList_TableProperties *****@IDS*****',N'@IDS [dbo].[IntegerTableParameter]