DirectShow.NET - 网络摄像头解析属性页面

时间:2022-03-01 15:59:59

I'm using DirectShow.Net to access my webcam. I want to display a property page for my webcam to set video capture resolution and FPS rate. I try this by using a sample demo code from DirectShow.NET samples - DxPropPages. Here is the code. However second tab in property window is disabled.


I need this tab to be enabled so user can set a caputre resolution. How I can achieve that? I'm new to DirecShow and don't really know what to change is this demo code.


PS I wanted to post some screenshots to show you what I mean, but I can't since I'm new user.


1 个解决方案


You can control the resolution using the IAMStreamConfig interface. This way you can show your own UI and persist the setting. I don't have a specific sample in mind but I know the the net filled with code using it.
All other properties you see in the property pages can also be control (If the web cam supports it), Take a look at this MSDN page for video capture Interfaces all of them supported by DirectShow.NET.



You can control the resolution using the IAMStreamConfig interface. This way you can show your own UI and persist the setting. I don't have a specific sample in mind but I know the the net filled with code using it.
All other properties you see in the property pages can also be control (If the web cam supports it), Take a look at this MSDN page for video capture Interfaces all of them supported by DirectShow.NET.
