在SQL Server 2008的“From”子句中使用表名称的变量

时间:2022-10-21 15:43:28

I have a UDF that queries data out of a table. The table, however, needs to be definable as a parameter. For example I can't have:


Select * From [dbo].[TableA]


I need something like:


Select * From [dbo].[@TableName]

选择*来自[dbo]。[@ TableName]

The above line doesn't work, and also the UDF prohibits me from setting the query as a string and calling exec(). I can do this in a procedure, but I can't call the procedure from the UDF either.


Does anyone know how I can accomplish this within the UDF without having some kind of massive switch statement?


6 个解决方案



This can't be done, dynamic SQL is not supported in functions.


See this SO question: Executing dynamic SQL in a SQLServer 2005 function

请参阅此SO问题:在SQLServer 2005函数中执行动态SQL



SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @table
EXEC (@SQL)  -- parentheses are required



You can UNION ALL your tables and include the table name as a column, then specify the table name as a predicate over this. If you check the query plan for this example you see that t2 is not touched


create table t1 (i int)
create table t2 (i int)

insert t1 values(1)
insert t1 values(2)
insert t1 values(3)
insert t2 values(4)
insert t2 values(5)
insert t2 values(6)

;with tableSet as (
    select i, 't1' as tableName from t1
    union all select i, 't2' as tableName from t2
select i from tableSet where tableName = 't1'



You can write a udf clr that can do dynamic sql. I've had to implement this before. It's pretty slick.

你可以写一个可以做动态sql的udf clr。我以前必须实现这个。这很漂亮。



You cannot do it. What problem are you solving, there might be other solutions.




If you would give more details about what underlying problem you are trying to solve, we might have better answers. One solution is to code generate the UDFs on a per-table basis. Another is to use dynamic SQL from an SP. What's right for your situation is hard to say.




This can't be done, dynamic SQL is not supported in functions.


See this SO question: Executing dynamic SQL in a SQLServer 2005 function

请参阅此SO问题:在SQLServer 2005函数中执行动态SQL



SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @table
EXEC (@SQL)  -- parentheses are required



You can UNION ALL your tables and include the table name as a column, then specify the table name as a predicate over this. If you check the query plan for this example you see that t2 is not touched


create table t1 (i int)
create table t2 (i int)

insert t1 values(1)
insert t1 values(2)
insert t1 values(3)
insert t2 values(4)
insert t2 values(5)
insert t2 values(6)

;with tableSet as (
    select i, 't1' as tableName from t1
    union all select i, 't2' as tableName from t2
select i from tableSet where tableName = 't1'



You can write a udf clr that can do dynamic sql. I've had to implement this before. It's pretty slick.

你可以写一个可以做动态sql的udf clr。我以前必须实现这个。这很漂亮。



You cannot do it. What problem are you solving, there might be other solutions.




If you would give more details about what underlying problem you are trying to solve, we might have better answers. One solution is to code generate the UDFs on a per-table basis. Another is to use dynamic SQL from an SP. What's right for your situation is hard to say.
