
时间:2023-02-06 15:42:42

I'm trying to find the film that has been rented the most without using limit. I'm trying to use the following query:


SELECT f.title, f.film_id
FROM film f
JOIN inventory i ON f.film_id = i.film_id
JOIN rental r ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
GROUP BY f.film_id
HAVING COUNT(r.rental_id) = MAX(
    SELECT COUNT(r2.rental_id)
    FROM rental r2, inventory i2
    WHERE i2.inventory_id = r2.inventory_id
    GROUP BY i2.film_id);

but mySQL tells me that I have a syntax error somewhere in here SELECT COUNT(r2.rental_id) FROM rental r2, inventory however, when I run the subquery independently it returns the expected table. Am I doing something massively wrong?

但mySQL告诉我,这里有一个语法错误SELECT COUNT(r2.rental_id)FROM rental r2,库存然而,当我独立运行子查询时,它会返回预期的表。我做了大错的事吗?

relevant database schema:


film(film  id, title, description, release year, language id, original language id, rental duration, rental rate, length, replacement cost, rating, special features, last update)
inventory(inventory id, film id, store id, last update)
rental(rental id, rental date, inventory id, customer id, return date, staff id, last update)

2 个解决方案



You can't use MAX() over a result set, but you can use


someValue >= ALL (subquery)

to achieve what you're attempting, because ALL requires that the preceding operator be true for all values in the set.


Try this:

SELECT f.title, f.film_id
FROM film f
JOIN inventory i ON f.film_id = i.film_id
JOIN rental r ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
GROUP BY f.film_id
HAVING COUNT(r.rental_id) >= ALL (
    SELECT COUNT(r2.rental_id)
    FROM rental r2, inventory i2
    WHERE i2.inventory_id = r2.inventory_id
    GROUP BY i2.film_id);



I don't have a database to test in, but this should work:


Edited to LIMIT 1 instead of SELECT TOP 1 for MySQL)

编辑为LIMIT 1而不是SELECT TOP 1 for MySQL)

SELECT f.title, f.film_id
FROM film f
JOIN inventory i ON f.film_id = i.film_id
JOIN rental r ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
GROUP BY f.film_id
HAVING COUNT(r.rental_id) = (SELECT COUNT(r2.rental_id)
                              FROM rental r2, inventory i2
                              WHERE i2.inventory_id = r2.inventory_id
                              GROUP BY i2.film_id
                              ORDER BY COUNT(r2.rental_id) desc
                              LIMIT 1) s                             



You can't use MAX() over a result set, but you can use


someValue >= ALL (subquery)

to achieve what you're attempting, because ALL requires that the preceding operator be true for all values in the set.


Try this:

SELECT f.title, f.film_id
FROM film f
JOIN inventory i ON f.film_id = i.film_id
JOIN rental r ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
GROUP BY f.film_id
HAVING COUNT(r.rental_id) >= ALL (
    SELECT COUNT(r2.rental_id)
    FROM rental r2, inventory i2
    WHERE i2.inventory_id = r2.inventory_id
    GROUP BY i2.film_id);



I don't have a database to test in, but this should work:


Edited to LIMIT 1 instead of SELECT TOP 1 for MySQL)

编辑为LIMIT 1而不是SELECT TOP 1 for MySQL)

SELECT f.title, f.film_id
FROM film f
JOIN inventory i ON f.film_id = i.film_id
JOIN rental r ON r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
GROUP BY f.film_id
HAVING COUNT(r.rental_id) = (SELECT COUNT(r2.rental_id)
                              FROM rental r2, inventory i2
                              WHERE i2.inventory_id = r2.inventory_id
                              GROUP BY i2.film_id
                              ORDER BY COUNT(r2.rental_id) desc
                              LIMIT 1) s