物联网-手机远程控制家里的摄像头(2) - POP3和SMTP的C语言精简实现

时间:2022-02-24 15:32:37









和 https://github.com/kenchowcn/smtp





其中这两个库都是c库,改成C++的形式也是很容易的(解除一些错误即可),不行的话就用extern C来解决。


pop3.cpp  这里是核心功能,负责定期检测邮件,根据邮件主题来传送一个


#include "pop3.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h> #define error printf
#define CRLF "\x0d\x0a.\x0d\x0a"
#define CR "\x0d\x0a"
#define SA struct sockaddr
#define MAXLINE 8192
#define POP3_PORT 110 #define XIMAGE 100
#define XVIDEO 101
#define IMAGE 102 int checkConn( char * inServer, int port )
// Check that the username and password are valid
// Display error message or that they have accessed correctly
int sockfd;
struct sockaddr_in servaddr; sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, ); bzero(&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
servaddr.sin_port = htons( port );
inet_pton(AF_INET, inServer, &servaddr.sin_addr); if ( !connect(sockfd, (SA *) &servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)) ) return sockfd;
else return -;
} ssize_t readline(int fd, void *vptr, size_t maxlen)
ssize_t n, rc;
char c;
char *ptr; ptr = (char *)vptr;
for (n = ; n < maxlen; n++) {
if ( (rc = recv(fd, &c, , )) == ) {
*ptr++ = c;
if (c == '\n') break;
} else if (rc == ) {
if (n == ) return(); /* EOF, no data read */
else break; /* EOF, some data was read */
} else return(-); /* error */
} *ptr = ;
} ssize_t Readline(int fd, void *ptr, size_t maxlen)
ssize_t n; if ( (n = readline(fd, ptr, maxlen)) == -) error("readline error");
} int checkUser( char * User, char * Pass, int sockfd)
char recvline[MAXLINE], cmdUser [ ];
bzero(cmdUser,); strcat( cmdUser, "user " );
strcat( cmdUser, User );
strcat( cmdUser, "\n" ); char cmdPass [ ];
bzero(cmdPass,); strcat( cmdPass, "pass " );
strcat( cmdPass, Pass );
strcat( cmdPass, "\n" ); if (Readline(sockfd, recvline, MAXLINE) == )
error("checkUser: server terminated prematurely"); send(sockfd, cmdUser, strlen(cmdUser),); if (Readline(sockfd, recvline, MAXLINE) == )
error("checkUser: server terminated prematurely"); send(sockfd, cmdPass, strlen(cmdPass), ); if (Readline(sockfd, recvline, MAXLINE) == )
error("checkUser: server terminated prematurely"); if ( recvline[ ] == '-' ) {
fputs ( "\nUsuario o Contraseña incorrectos\n\n", stdout );
return ;
return ;
} static char encode(unsigned char u)
{ if(u < ) return 'A'+u;
if(u < ) return 'a'+(u-);
if(u < ) return ''+(u-);
if(u == ) return '+'; return '/'; } void reverse(char s[])
int i, j;
char c; for (i = , j = strlen(s)-; i<j; i++, j--) {
c = s[i];
s[i] = s[j];
s[j] = c;
} void itoa(int n, char s[])
int i, sign; if ((sign = n) < ) /* record sign */
n = -n; /* make n positive */
i = ;
do { /* generate digits in reverse order */
s[i++] = n % + ''; /* get next digit */
} while ((n /= ) > ); /* delete it */
if (sign < )
s[i++] = '-';
s[i] = '\0';
int getNumberOfRemoteMsgs( int sockfd )
char recvline[ MAXLINE ];
bzero( recvline, MAXLINE );
char cmd[ MAXLINE ];
bzero( cmd, MAXLINE ); strcat( cmd, "stat\x0d\x0a" ); send( sockfd, cmd, strlen( cmd ), ); if ( Readline( sockfd, recvline, MAXLINE ) == )
error("getNumberOfMsgs: terminated prematurely"); int i = , j = ; char number[ ];
bzero( number, );
//recvline example: "+OK 6 146378 while ( recvline[ i++ ] != ' ' ); while ( recvline[ i ] != ' ' )
number[ j++ ] = recvline[ i++ ]; return atoi( number );
} void parseRemoteHeaders(int sockfd, int *remote_command, int *delete_index)
const int NofMessages = getNumberOfRemoteMsgs( sockfd );
if( ! NofMessages ) {
printf( "\n\tNo new mail\n" );
} char recvline[ MAXLINE ];
bzero( recvline, MAXLINE );
char cmd[ MAXLINE ];
bzero( cmd, MAXLINE ); char Subject[ MAXLINE ], Date[ MAXLINE ], From[ MAXLINE ];
int index = ;
char number[ ]; int b = ; while ( index != NofMessages + ) { bzero( number, );
itoa( index, number );
bzero( cmd, MAXLINE );
strcat( cmd, "top " );
strcat( cmd, number );
strcat( cmd, " 0\x0d\x0a" ); if ( b ) {
send( sockfd, cmd, strlen( cmd ), );
b = ;
} if ( Readline( sockfd, recvline, MAXLINE ) == )
error("getHeaders: server terminated prematurely"); if (NULL != strstr(recvline, "Subject:"))
if (strncmp(recvline, "Subject:", strlen("Subject:")) == ) {
printf("%s", recvline);
if (NULL != strstr(recvline, "ximage")) {
printf("will del:%s", recvline);
*remote_command = XIMAGE;
*delete_index = index;
} else if (NULL != strstr(recvline, "xvideo")) {
printf("will del:%s", recvline);
*remote_command = XVIDEO;
*delete_index = index;
} else if (NULL != strstr(recvline, "image")) {
printf("will del:%s", recvline);
*remote_command = IMAGE;
*delete_index = index;
} } if (recvline[] == '.') {
b = ;
} } } int delFromServer( int sockfd, int option )
int N = getNumberOfRemoteMsgs( sockfd ); if ( ! N ) {
printf( "Warning: inbox is empty !!!" );
return ;
} if ( N < option ) {
printf( "There are just %d, Messages", N );
return ;
} char cmd[ ], number[ ], recvline[ MAXLINE ];
bzero( number, );
bzero( cmd, );
bzero( recvline, MAXLINE );
itoa( option, number );
strcat( cmd, "dele " );
strcat( cmd, number );
strcat( cmd, CR ); send( sockfd, cmd, strlen( cmd ), ); if ( Readline( sockfd, recvline, MAXLINE ) == )
error("delFromServer: terminated prematurely"); if ( recvline[ ] == '+' )
printf ( "Message %d will be deleted when the session is ended\n", option );
printf( "There have been errors when trying to delete the message" ); return ;
} int pop3_main(void (*event_handler)(int))
printf( "Welcome to the pop3 client modified by tanhangbo\n\n" );
struct hostent *h;
int delete_index = ;
int remote_command = ;
char pop3_server[] = POP3_SERVER;
char smtp_server[] = SMTP_SERVER;
char user_name[] = USER_NAME;
char pass_word[] = PASS_WORD; char inServer[* + +];//\0
char outServer[* + + ];
h = gethostbyname(pop3_server);
strcpy(inServer , inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr)));
h = gethostbyname(smtp_server);
strcpy(outServer , inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr)));
printf("POP3 IP:%s\n", inServer);
printf("SMTP IP:%s\n", outServer); while() { delete_index = ;
remote_command = ; int sockfd = checkConn( inServer, POP3_PORT );
if( sockfd == - )
return ;
if(!checkUser(user_name, pass_word, sockfd)) {
printf("login fail!\n");
} parseRemoteHeaders(sockfd, &remote_command, &delete_index);
if ( != remote_command)
event_handler(remote_command);//handle here!!!!!!!
if ( != delete_index)
delFromServer(sockfd, delete_index); send( sockfd, "QUIT\x0d\x0a", strlen( "QUIT\x0d\x0a" ), );
sleep(); } return ;



#include "stdio.h"
#include "pop3.h" void handlee(int remote_command)
//process command here
printf("I want to handle %d\n", remote_command);
} int main()




#define POP3_TANHANGBO_H #define POP3_SERVER "pop3.163.com"
#define SMTP_SERVER "smtp.163.com"
#define USER_NAME "user_"
#define PASS_WORD "pass_"
int pop3_main(void (*event_handler)(int)); #endif


tan@tan-desktop:~/app/pop3$ g++ main.cpp pop3.cpp
tan@tan-desktop:~/app/pop3$ ./a.out
Welcome to the pop3 client modified by tanhangbo POP3 IP:
Subject: warning
Subject: test
Subject: warning
Subject: test
Subject: warning
Subject: test
Subject: warning
Subject: test
Subject: warning
Subject: test
Subject: warning
Subject: test
Subject: warning
Subject: test
Subject: warning
Subject: test
Subject: warning
Subject: test
Subject: image
will del:Subject: image
I want to handle
Message will be deleted when the session is ended
Subject: warning
Subject: test
Subject: warning



另外在找邮件库的时候找到了MailCore:  libmailcore.com
