
时间:2022-12-20 15:34:59

I am using MS SQL SERVER 2008R2. i have two tables A and B as

我正在使用MS SQL SERVER 2008R2。我有两张桌子A和B.

create table A(
id int primary key, name Varchar(20));

create table B(
id int primary key, user_name Varchar(20));

insert into A values(1,'A1');
insert into A values(2,'A2');
insert into A values(3,'A3');
insert into A values(4,'A4');
insert into A values(5,'A5');

Now my problem is :


select A.* 
from A left outer join B on A.id = B.id 
where B.user_name like '%';



select A.* 
from A left outer join B on A.id = B.id 
where B.user_name like '%%';

Above written query does not return any records even though left table have 5 entries in it. without any filter on right table it works fine.


5 个解决方案



select A.* from A left outer join B on A.id = B.id 

this query will give you out put like this...


id  name    id  user_name
1   A1  NULL    NULL
2   A2  NULL    NULL
3   A3  NULL    NULL
4   A4  NULL    NULL
5   A5  NULL    NULL

and you are comparing username using like with null


select A.* from A left outer join B on A.id = B.id where B.user_name like '%%';

hence it will not give you any output


you should try following query


select A.*,b.* from A left outer join B on A.id = B.id where (b.user_name like '%%' or b.user_name is null)

从A.id = B.id上的左外连接B中选择A。*,b。*其中(b.user_name像'%%'或b.user_name为null)



In your scenario...first left join is happening it is finding 5 entries and then on that record set sql sever is applying filter of user_name and as user_name for all rows is null..no records are getting displayed.

在您的方案中...第一个左连接发生它正在查找5个条目,然后在该记录集上sql sever正在应用user_name的过滤器,并且所有行的user_name都为null ..没有显示记录。

you can change your query to


select A.* from A left outer join B on A.id = B.id where ISNULL(B.user_name,'') like '%%';



You are using wild card for comparing null values as well, Use this,


SELECT a.* FROM   a LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON a.id = b.id WHERE  b.user_name LIKE '%' OR b.user_name IS NULL;  



Since all values in table B are NULL, any wildcard match on NULL values will return NULL.


So the condition where B.user_name like '%'; translates into where NULL like '%'; which evaluates to NULL as NULL cannot be compared with any value.


 select A.* from A left outer join B on 
 A.id = B.id where COALESCE(B.user_name,'') like '%%';

 select A.* from A left outer join B on 
 A.id = B.id where COALESCE(B.user_name,'') like '%';

supporting sql fiddle : http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/1ca91/8

支持sql小提琴:http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/1ca91 / 8

Note that the COALESCE is ANSI, and therefore supported in Oracle, SQL Server and PostGres and does shortcut evaluation. n

请注意,COALESCE是ANSI,因此在Oracle,SQL Server和PostGres中受支持,并进行快捷方式评估。 ñ

Edit: Based on new information that this same query should work in all SQL Server, PostGres and Oracle. I am changing the SQL query to use COALESCE instead which is supported in all

编辑:基于新信息,这个查询应该适用于所有SQL Server,PostGres和Oracle。我正在更改SQL查询以使用COALESCE,而所有这些都支持

Unless you use ISNULL() and check like this where ISNULL(B.user_name,'') like '%';


select A.* from A left outer join B on 
A.id = B.id where ISNULL(B.user_name,'') like '%%';

select A.* from A left outer join B on 
A.id = B.id where ISNULL(B.user_name,'') like '%';

See this fiddle http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/1ca91/6




Please try this one:


select A.* from A
left outer join (SELECT * FROM B where user_name like '%') X on A.id = X.id;



select A.* from A left outer join B on A.id = B.id 

this query will give you out put like this...


id  name    id  user_name
1   A1  NULL    NULL
2   A2  NULL    NULL
3   A3  NULL    NULL
4   A4  NULL    NULL
5   A5  NULL    NULL

and you are comparing username using like with null


select A.* from A left outer join B on A.id = B.id where B.user_name like '%%';

hence it will not give you any output


you should try following query


select A.*,b.* from A left outer join B on A.id = B.id where (b.user_name like '%%' or b.user_name is null)

从A.id = B.id上的左外连接B中选择A。*,b。*其中(b.user_name像'%%'或b.user_name为null)



In your scenario...first left join is happening it is finding 5 entries and then on that record set sql sever is applying filter of user_name and as user_name for all rows is null..no records are getting displayed.

在您的方案中...第一个左连接发生它正在查找5个条目,然后在该记录集上sql sever正在应用user_name的过滤器,并且所有行的user_name都为null ..没有显示记录。

you can change your query to


select A.* from A left outer join B on A.id = B.id where ISNULL(B.user_name,'') like '%%';



You are using wild card for comparing null values as well, Use this,


SELECT a.* FROM   a LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON a.id = b.id WHERE  b.user_name LIKE '%' OR b.user_name IS NULL;  



Since all values in table B are NULL, any wildcard match on NULL values will return NULL.


So the condition where B.user_name like '%'; translates into where NULL like '%'; which evaluates to NULL as NULL cannot be compared with any value.


 select A.* from A left outer join B on 
 A.id = B.id where COALESCE(B.user_name,'') like '%%';

 select A.* from A left outer join B on 
 A.id = B.id where COALESCE(B.user_name,'') like '%';

supporting sql fiddle : http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/1ca91/8

支持sql小提琴:http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/1ca91 / 8

Note that the COALESCE is ANSI, and therefore supported in Oracle, SQL Server and PostGres and does shortcut evaluation. n

请注意,COALESCE是ANSI,因此在Oracle,SQL Server和PostGres中受支持,并进行快捷方式评估。 ñ

Edit: Based on new information that this same query should work in all SQL Server, PostGres and Oracle. I am changing the SQL query to use COALESCE instead which is supported in all

编辑:基于新信息,这个查询应该适用于所有SQL Server,PostGres和Oracle。我正在更改SQL查询以使用COALESCE,而所有这些都支持

Unless you use ISNULL() and check like this where ISNULL(B.user_name,'') like '%';


select A.* from A left outer join B on 
A.id = B.id where ISNULL(B.user_name,'') like '%%';

select A.* from A left outer join B on 
A.id = B.id where ISNULL(B.user_name,'') like '%';

See this fiddle http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/1ca91/6




Please try this one:


select A.* from A
left outer join (SELECT * FROM B where user_name like '%') X on A.id = X.id;