
时间:2022-06-27 15:16:09

I'm implementing Enhanced Ecommerce on our (mainly affiliate) website through GTM. We have list views and detail views etc.. so implementing impressions and clicks is easy, but for affiliate purchases there is a problem.


We have two payment models for the shops that are showing their products on our site:


  • Cost per Click. I can implement a small purchase on the clickout page.
  • 每次点击费用。我可以在点击页面上实施小额购买。

  • Cost per Acquisition. Here is the problem: The purchases are made on a different website on a different time. Using PHP API's I get the purchases made a few times a day through a cronjob.
  • 每次收购成本。问题在于:购买是在不同的时间在不同的网站上进行的。使用PHP API,我通过cronjob每天购买几次。

How can I create a purchase (preferably using PHP, using javascript is messy on a cronjob) but retain the cookie value so I can link the purchase to the clickout and channel people used to get on our site.


I thought of creating all zero purchases for each clickout and maybe repurchase using the same transaction ID. This might work, but we will end up with thousands of empty purchases.


2 个解决方案



Reading the comment beneath the answer from Machavity, i assume that you are using Universal Analytics, or else Universal Analytics is the way to go!

阅读Machavity答案下的评论,我假设您使用的是Universal Analytics,否则Universal Analytics就是您的最佳选择!

I have had a case in the past where we had to think of a one way tracking system because we didn't have access to the other site's code.


Give a look at the Google Measurement protocol. This protocol makes it possible to send raw userdata directly to google analytics over HTTP.

看看Google Measurement协议。该协议可以通过HTTP将原始用户数据直接发送到谷歌分析。

Link to Google measurement protocol




I ran across a similar problem a while back. Our checkout lives on a different domain. So when Adwords people would checkout after migrating to Universal, I was losing that data at checkout. I think my solution there could help you. This all assumed you're using Universal Analytics and not the old deprecated libraries.

我不久前遇到了类似的问题。我们的结帐位于不同的域名。因此,当Adwords人员在迁移到环球影业后结账时,我会在结账时丢失这些数据。我认为我的解决方案可以帮到你。这一切都假设您使用的是Universal Analytics而不是旧的已弃用的库。

The first thing I do is grab the GA cookie, which is named _ga. Inside it is your GA session. It looks like this (it will be much longer)

我做的第一件事是抓住GA cookie,名为_ga。里面是你的GA会话。它看起来像这样(会更长)


The third and fourth number sets (including the period) are the session itself. Parse them out.


Now you want to find some way to store this with the user. I used my PHP session (we pass it in the query string when we jump domains) and stored it there. You'll have to figure something out that works for you here.


On the other site we need to specify the GA session and site within the GA block. Please note that the new site will report these visits as if they belonged to the original site. The UA-XXXX-Y should be from the original site and yourdomain.com should be the new site TLD

在另一个站点上,我们需要在GA块中指定GA会话和站点。请注意,新网站会将这些访问报告为属于原始网站。 UA-XXXX-Y应来自原始网站,yourdomain.com应为新网站TLD

ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', { 'cookieDomain': 'yourdomain.com', 'clientId': '3456.7890' });

Now you can pass your purchase metrics in. When a session converts on the new site, the old site will track it, along with any other things that session held (i.e. page impressions, Adwords clicks, etc.). You don't need any messy cron jobs to do this. Just be aware, as I said earlier, that these page visits belong to the original site as far as GA goes. You could try reporting two sets of metrics to get around this, but I have not tried that.




Reading the comment beneath the answer from Machavity, i assume that you are using Universal Analytics, or else Universal Analytics is the way to go!

阅读Machavity答案下的评论,我假设您使用的是Universal Analytics,否则Universal Analytics就是您的最佳选择!

I have had a case in the past where we had to think of a one way tracking system because we didn't have access to the other site's code.


Give a look at the Google Measurement protocol. This protocol makes it possible to send raw userdata directly to google analytics over HTTP.

看看Google Measurement协议。该协议可以通过HTTP将原始用户数据直接发送到谷歌分析。

Link to Google measurement protocol




I ran across a similar problem a while back. Our checkout lives on a different domain. So when Adwords people would checkout after migrating to Universal, I was losing that data at checkout. I think my solution there could help you. This all assumed you're using Universal Analytics and not the old deprecated libraries.

我不久前遇到了类似的问题。我们的结帐位于不同的域名。因此,当Adwords人员在迁移到环球影业后结账时,我会在结账时丢失这些数据。我认为我的解决方案可以帮到你。这一切都假设您使用的是Universal Analytics而不是旧的已弃用的库。

The first thing I do is grab the GA cookie, which is named _ga. Inside it is your GA session. It looks like this (it will be much longer)

我做的第一件事是抓住GA cookie,名为_ga。里面是你的GA会话。它看起来像这样(会更长)


The third and fourth number sets (including the period) are the session itself. Parse them out.


Now you want to find some way to store this with the user. I used my PHP session (we pass it in the query string when we jump domains) and stored it there. You'll have to figure something out that works for you here.


On the other site we need to specify the GA session and site within the GA block. Please note that the new site will report these visits as if they belonged to the original site. The UA-XXXX-Y should be from the original site and yourdomain.com should be the new site TLD

在另一个站点上,我们需要在GA块中指定GA会话和站点。请注意,新网站会将这些访问报告为属于原始网站。 UA-XXXX-Y应来自原始网站,yourdomain.com应为新网站TLD

ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', { 'cookieDomain': 'yourdomain.com', 'clientId': '3456.7890' });

Now you can pass your purchase metrics in. When a session converts on the new site, the old site will track it, along with any other things that session held (i.e. page impressions, Adwords clicks, etc.). You don't need any messy cron jobs to do this. Just be aware, as I said earlier, that these page visits belong to the original site as far as GA goes. You could try reporting two sets of metrics to get around this, but I have not tried that.
