
时间:2022-12-06 13:02:19

how can you rotate the labels of the x axis for boxplot in r? I know which code to use but I can't apply it:


text(**????**, par("usr")[3] - 0.25, srt = 45, adj = 1, labels = labels, xpd = TRUE)

What variable goes where I have the question marks? I created this boxplot:



using this code:


soil=read.csv("soil_temp_boxplot.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";")    
labels<-paste(c("RB-GL830-[16]-10","RB-GL830-[16]-30", "SB-GL834-[11]-10","SB-GL834-[11]-30", "RB-GL843-[17]-10","RB-GL843-[17]-30","SB-GL864-[12]-10","SB-GL864-[12]-30","SB-GL989-[10]-30", "RB-F844-[18]-10", "RB-F844-[18]-30", "SBB-F-864-[14]-10","SB-F991-[13]-10", "SB-F991-[13]-30"))
boxplot(soil$rb.gl.10.830.16, soil$rb.gl.30.830.16, soil$sb.gl.10.834.11, soil$sb.gl.30.834.11, soil$rb.gl.10.843.17, soil$rb.gl.30.843.17, soil$sb.gl.10.864.12, soil$sb.gl.30.864.12, soil$sb.gl.30.989.10, soil$rb.f.10.844.18, soil$rb.f.30.844.18, soil$sbb.f.10.864.14, soil$sb.f.10.991.13, soil$sb.f.30.991.13, yaxt="n", col=c("darkolivegreen1","darkolivegreen4","darkolivegreen1","darkolivegreen4","darkolivegreen1","darkolivegreen4","darkolivegreen1","darkolivegreen4","darkolivegreen1","burlywood2","burlywood4","burlywood2","burlywood2", "burlywood4"))
axis(1, labels = TRUE)
axis(2, c(0, 8, c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7)), las=1)
text(labels, par("usr")[3] - 0.25, srt = 45, adj = 1, labels = labels, xpd = TRUE)
mtext(2, text="Soil Temperature [°C]", line=2.2)
mtext(1, text="Location", line=4.5)

2 个解决方案



An alternative following your original text expression:


par(mar=c(6, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))

labels <- paste(c("RB-GL830-[16]-10", 

boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays,
        col = "lightgray", xaxt = "n",  xlab = "")

# x axis with ticks but without labels
axis(1, labels = FALSE)

# Plot x labs at default x position
text(x =  seq_along(labels), y = par("usr")[3] - 1, srt = 45, adj = 1,
     labels = labels, xpd = TRUE)

Why use x = seq_along(labels) for label positions? The x in text is a vector of coordinates where to put the labels. If you look at ?boxplot, you find that the at argument is a "numeric vector giving the locations where the boxplots should be drawn [...]; defaults to 1:n where n is the number of boxes." Because we haven't specified the at argument in the boxplot call, the default "1:n positions" will be used. The number of boxes is of course the number of levels of your explanatory variable, which @Josh O'Brien used in his answer. To show you an alternative, I used your customized label vector instead (which of course must have the same length as the number of factor levels). seq_along generates a regular sequence from 1 to length of the argument, which corresponds to the "defaults to 1:n" at positions.

为什么在标签位置使用x = seq_along(标签)?文本中的x是坐标的矢量,在这里放置标签。如果你看看,boxplot,你会发现,at参数是一个“数字矢量,给出了箱线图应该被绘制的位置[…];默认值为1:n,其中n为框数。因为我们还没有在boxplot调用中指定参数,默认的“1:n个位置”将被使用。盒子的数量当然是你解释变量的数量,这是@Josh O’布莱恩在他的回答中使用的。为了向您展示另一种选择,我使用了您定制的标签向量(当然,它的长度必须与元素级别的数量相同)。seq_along生成一个从1到长度的规则序列,该序列对应于位置上的“默认值为1:n”。

A side-note: your data seem to be in a 'wide' format. In many instances in R, it is more convenient to have the data in a 'long' format. In the plot function, you then only need to specify your x variable (e.g. location) and y variable (e.g. soil temp), instead of specifying data for every single level of x. r箱图倾斜标签x轴。




Look at the staxlab function in the plotrix package, it makes this (and an alternative) fairly straight forward.




An alternative following your original text expression:


par(mar=c(6, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))

labels <- paste(c("RB-GL830-[16]-10", 

boxplot(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays,
        col = "lightgray", xaxt = "n",  xlab = "")

# x axis with ticks but without labels
axis(1, labels = FALSE)

# Plot x labs at default x position
text(x =  seq_along(labels), y = par("usr")[3] - 1, srt = 45, adj = 1,
     labels = labels, xpd = TRUE)

Why use x = seq_along(labels) for label positions? The x in text is a vector of coordinates where to put the labels. If you look at ?boxplot, you find that the at argument is a "numeric vector giving the locations where the boxplots should be drawn [...]; defaults to 1:n where n is the number of boxes." Because we haven't specified the at argument in the boxplot call, the default "1:n positions" will be used. The number of boxes is of course the number of levels of your explanatory variable, which @Josh O'Brien used in his answer. To show you an alternative, I used your customized label vector instead (which of course must have the same length as the number of factor levels). seq_along generates a regular sequence from 1 to length of the argument, which corresponds to the "defaults to 1:n" at positions.

为什么在标签位置使用x = seq_along(标签)?文本中的x是坐标的矢量,在这里放置标签。如果你看看,boxplot,你会发现,at参数是一个“数字矢量,给出了箱线图应该被绘制的位置[…];默认值为1:n,其中n为框数。因为我们还没有在boxplot调用中指定参数,默认的“1:n个位置”将被使用。盒子的数量当然是你解释变量的数量,这是@Josh O’布莱恩在他的回答中使用的。为了向您展示另一种选择,我使用了您定制的标签向量(当然,它的长度必须与元素级别的数量相同)。seq_along生成一个从1到长度的规则序列,该序列对应于位置上的“默认值为1:n”。

A side-note: your data seem to be in a 'wide' format. In many instances in R, it is more convenient to have the data in a 'long' format. In the plot function, you then only need to specify your x variable (e.g. location) and y variable (e.g. soil temp), instead of specifying data for every single level of x. r箱图倾斜标签x轴。




Look at the staxlab function in the plotrix package, it makes this (and an alternative) fairly straight forward.
