
时间:2021-06-26 12:20:40

This question already has an answer here:


So I am trying to merge two arrays into one object. More specifically I am creating a deck of cards using JavaScript. I have created the two arrays (shown below) and am looking for some help on how to merge them so that the new object will be formatted like this {suit: 'hearts', value: 'A'}. I believe i need to do a for loop but haven't been able to make it work. Anyone have any suggestions?


// ... trying to merge the two arrays here ...

// ...试图在这里合并两个数组......

  function deck_o_cards() {
  var values = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A'];
  var suits = ['hearts', 'diamonds', 'clubs', 'spades'];

  var cards = [ ];
    for(i=0, i< suits.length, i++){
        var newSuit = suits[i];
        for(a=0; a< values.length, a++) {
            var newValue= values[a];
            newArray=[newSuit, newValue];

2 个解决方案


You will need to iterate over the values array using a loop and then inside each iteration also iterate over the suits array in a loop. You will need two different indexes to make the nested loops work.


The arrays are zero indexed so the index will begin at zero and stop when it index reaches the length of the array.


Here is an example of a nested loop but you should use the array length property rather than 13 and 4.


for(var i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
  for(var j = 0; i < 4; i++) {

Inside the inner loop you can create your card object with the value from each array using the separate indexes and add it to your card array by assigning it to cards[cards.length] = { } which adds a new item to the end of the array.

在内部循环内部,您可以使用单独的索引使用每个数组中的值创建卡对象,并将其添加到卡阵列中,方法是将其分配给卡片[cards.length] = {},这会将新项添加到卡的末尾。阵列。

You can also accomplish the same thing using the Array.map() and Array.push() functions to replace the loop and assignment operations.



You are almost there. The problem lies with the code inside your loop. You are creating an array when you actually desire an object. Try this inside your loop:


var newValue = values[a];
var newCard = {suit: newSuit, value: newValue};

Also note the use of var newCard instead of newArray. var avoids adding an object to the global scope.

另请注意使用var newCard而不是newArray。 var避免将对象添加到全局范围。


You will need to iterate over the values array using a loop and then inside each iteration also iterate over the suits array in a loop. You will need two different indexes to make the nested loops work.


The arrays are zero indexed so the index will begin at zero and stop when it index reaches the length of the array.


Here is an example of a nested loop but you should use the array length property rather than 13 and 4.


for(var i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
  for(var j = 0; i < 4; i++) {

Inside the inner loop you can create your card object with the value from each array using the separate indexes and add it to your card array by assigning it to cards[cards.length] = { } which adds a new item to the end of the array.

在内部循环内部,您可以使用单独的索引使用每个数组中的值创建卡对象,并将其添加到卡阵列中,方法是将其分配给卡片[cards.length] = {},这会将新项添加到卡的末尾。阵列。

You can also accomplish the same thing using the Array.map() and Array.push() functions to replace the loop and assignment operations.



You are almost there. The problem lies with the code inside your loop. You are creating an array when you actually desire an object. Try this inside your loop:


var newValue = values[a];
var newCard = {suit: newSuit, value: newValue};

Also note the use of var newCard instead of newArray. var avoids adding an object to the global scope.

另请注意使用var newCard而不是newArray。 var避免将对象添加到全局范围。