将两个不同的对象自动装配到一个spring bean

时间:2023-01-22 12:08:53

I am new to spring MVC and trying to add fields in existing form validate them. once the validation is complete, I need to map the data entered in form to a different object. The configuration of the spring bean is something like below.

我是Spring MVC的新手,并试图以现有形式添加字段来验证它们。验证完成后,我需要将表单中输入的数据映射到不同的对象。 spring bean的配置如下所示。

<bean id="SampleController"
    <property name="formView"            value="abc/my_view" />
    <property name="highLightedTab"      value="DataRequirement" />
    <property name="commandName"         value="dataRequirement" />
    <property name="commandClass"        value="com.abcd.dataRequirementResponse" />
    <property name="validator"                            ref="DataAcceptanceValidator" />

From the form of above spring bean configuration, I need to modify it accept few more fields and put them under a different object. I cannot use the same object as in the commandclass mentioned above. And i also need to validate the fields i add in the form. I see that the current validator accepts the object DataRequirement alone.

从上面的spring bean配置的形式,我需要修改它接受更多的字段并将它们放在不同的对象下。我不能使用与上面提到的命令类相同的对象。我还需要验证我在表单中添加的字段。我看到当前的验证器单独接受对象DataRequirement。

Do i need to come up with a different validator? Also How do i add the second object where I am going to put the fields in?


Sorry if the question was dumb. Just trying to understand and implement.


2 个解决方案


It is impossible to have multiple objects for same form.


But there is the way, you can use multiple objects like this :


Backend :

public class FormObject() {
    Class1 class1Object;
    Class2 class2Object;
    //Getter and setter

Frontend :

  method="post" commandName="formObject">

  <form:input type="text" path="class1Object.property"/>
  <form:input type="text" path="class2Object.property"/>


There is a concept called jsr303 and hibernate validator. with help of Binding results we can get all the error messages. Refer the following link.




It is impossible to have multiple objects for same form.


But there is the way, you can use multiple objects like this :


Backend :

public class FormObject() {
    Class1 class1Object;
    Class2 class2Object;
    //Getter and setter

Frontend :

  method="post" commandName="formObject">

  <form:input type="text" path="class1Object.property"/>
  <form:input type="text" path="class2Object.property"/>


There is a concept called jsr303 and hibernate validator. with help of Binding results we can get all the error messages. Refer the following link.

