是否可以构建Linux / Motif Eclipse RCP应用程序?

时间:2022-06-16 10:45:29


I am trying to build an Eclipse application that would work with a linux/motif installation target. However, this seems not to be possible even though the export option is available in the product export wizard.

我正在尝试构建一个可以与linux / motif安装目标一起使用的Eclipse应用程序。但是,即使导出选项在产品导出向导中可用,这似乎也不可能。

I've checked the content of the delta pack and indeed, the packages for linux/motif are missing. After checking the downloads page for eclipse 3.4 at: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.4-200806172000/index.php

我已经检查了delta包的内容,实际上,缺少linux / motif的包。检查eclipse 3.4的下载页面后:http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.4-200806172000/index.php

I see that even though there is an Eclipse version marked for Linux/motif, it is marked as Testing only. Additionally, there is no delta pack for this target.

我看到即使有一个标记为Linux / motif的Eclipse版本,它也被标记为仅测试。此外,此目标没有增量包。

Has anyone been successful building an RCP application targeting linux/motif? Would it work if I download this testing only version of eclipse and copy the missing plugins?

有没有人成功构建针对linux / motif的RCP应用程序?如果我只下载这个测试版本的eclipse并复制丢失的插件,它会工作吗?


1 个解决方案



We have a similar issue. We are building Eclipse applications and one of our platforms is Solaris 10 x86 which was supported for a short time as an early access build in 3.2 and dropped. I believe 3.2 and 3.3 supported motif so your best bet may be to revert to an older version of Eclipse. I develop in 3.4 and when we do the Solaris specific release we switch back to 3.2, it is usually about 10 minutes of changes to fix everything for the prior version. Usually it is removing @overides in a few locations and changing a function or two that Eclipse no longer uses.

我们有类似的问题。我们正在构建Eclipse应用程序,我们的一个平台是Solaris 10 x86,它作为3.2中的早期访问构建在很短的时间内得到支持并被删除。我相信3.2和3.3支持的主题,所以你最好的选择可能是恢复到旧版本的Eclipse。我在3.4中开发,当我们执行Solaris特定版本时,我们切换回3.2,通常大约10分钟的更改来修复先前版本的所有内容。通常它会在几个位置删除@overides并更改Eclipse不再使用的一个或两个函数。

The other thing you can do is get the Linux/Motif package for Eclipse, and install it on a Linux box running Motif. Check out your project on that Eclipse machine and export it there. I tried out VirtualBox (a free Virtual Machine from Sun Microsystems) it should make this easy for you.

您可以做的另一件事是获取Eclipse的Linux / Motif包,并将其安装在运行Motif的Linux机器上。在Eclipse机器上查看您的项目并将其导出到那里。我试用了VirtualBox(来自Sun Microsystems的免费虚拟机)它应该让你很容易。



We have a similar issue. We are building Eclipse applications and one of our platforms is Solaris 10 x86 which was supported for a short time as an early access build in 3.2 and dropped. I believe 3.2 and 3.3 supported motif so your best bet may be to revert to an older version of Eclipse. I develop in 3.4 and when we do the Solaris specific release we switch back to 3.2, it is usually about 10 minutes of changes to fix everything for the prior version. Usually it is removing @overides in a few locations and changing a function or two that Eclipse no longer uses.

我们有类似的问题。我们正在构建Eclipse应用程序,我们的一个平台是Solaris 10 x86,它作为3.2中的早期访问构建在很短的时间内得到支持并被删除。我相信3.2和3.3支持的主题,所以你最好的选择可能是恢复到旧版本的Eclipse。我在3.4中开发,当我们执行Solaris特定版本时,我们切换回3.2,通常大约10分钟的更改来修复先前版本的所有内容。通常它会在几个位置删除@overides并更改Eclipse不再使用的一个或两个函数。

The other thing you can do is get the Linux/Motif package for Eclipse, and install it on a Linux box running Motif. Check out your project on that Eclipse machine and export it there. I tried out VirtualBox (a free Virtual Machine from Sun Microsystems) it should make this easy for you.

您可以做的另一件事是获取Eclipse的Linux / Motif包,并将其安装在运行Motif的Linux机器上。在Eclipse机器上查看您的项目并将其导出到那里。我试用了VirtualBox(来自Sun Microsystems的免费虚拟机)它应该让你很容易。