如何在openquery中使用SQL Server表到Oracle数据库?

时间:2022-05-28 09:41:17

I have a database on SQL Server and would like to use a column in one of my tables in a linked server openquery I'm running to an Oracle database in order to match values between the two and insert the result into columns in my table in SQL Server .

我有一个关于SQL Server的数据库,并希望在链接服务器openquery中的一个表中使用一列我正在运行到Oracle数据库,以便匹配两者之间的值,并将结果插入到我的表中的列中SQL Server。

Essentially I want it to be like this:


 SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4
 FROM OPENQUERY(link, 'SELECT * FROM Oracle_Table 
                       WHERE ID = MSSQL.dbo.table.ID`)

So I'd like to be able to use my internal table column values to query an external database. They are related tables but different systems.


Would it be possible to get a big list of the values in the SQL Server table column and use it as a variable in the Oracle query? I've searched extensively online but haven't been able to find this one.

是否可以获取SQL Server表列中的大值列表并将其用作Oracle查询中的变量?我在网上广泛搜索但未能找到这个。

1 个解决方案



You can't pass parameters like I wanted to, but I ended up creating a bunch of queries in Powershell using a for loop and variables within the string to create my large query, then put a UNION ALL after each SELECT FROM OPENQUERY()

你不能像我想的那样传递参数,但我最终在Powershell中创建了一堆查询,使用for循环和字符串中的变量来创建我的大查询,然后在每个SELECT FROM OPENQUERY()之后放入一个UNION ALL



You can't pass parameters like I wanted to, but I ended up creating a bunch of queries in Powershell using a for loop and variables within the string to create my large query, then put a UNION ALL after each SELECT FROM OPENQUERY()

你不能像我想的那样传递参数,但我最终在Powershell中创建了一堆查询,使用for循环和字符串中的变量来创建我的大查询,然后在每个SELECT FROM OPENQUERY()之后放入一个UNION ALL