SQL Server 2008 R2中.rdl文件的SRC文件夹在哪里

时间:2022-07-10 08:05:13

This seems like this should be easy but I have not been able to find it.


I have rdl files that I need to add to report services. I don't want to go through the web interface and load reports one at a time. I would like to just drop my files into the source folder but I can't seem to find it. I am running R2 without IIS installed.


1 个解决方案



There is not a source folder, to publish a report in SSRS you have to upload it, which in turn means it will be stored in a Sql Server database (by default called ReportServer, I think they end up in a table called Catalog, but last time I saw that was not officially documented by Microsoft).

没有源文件夹,要在SSRS中发布报告,你必须上传它,这反过来意味着它将存储在Sql Server数据库中(默认情况下称为ReportServer,我认为它们最终会出现在名为Catalog的表中,但是上次我看到微软没有正式记录这一点。

The good news is that you don't necessarily have to upload the rdl files through the web interface one by one. You may publish them in one single go from the Report Designer or the Report Builder, or you may write your own deployment tool.




There is not a source folder, to publish a report in SSRS you have to upload it, which in turn means it will be stored in a Sql Server database (by default called ReportServer, I think they end up in a table called Catalog, but last time I saw that was not officially documented by Microsoft).

没有源文件夹,要在SSRS中发布报告,你必须上传它,这反过来意味着它将存储在Sql Server数据库中(默认情况下称为ReportServer,我认为它们最终会出现在名为Catalog的表中,但是上次我看到微软没有正式记录这一点。

The good news is that you don't necessarily have to upload the rdl files through the web interface one by one. You may publish them in one single go from the Report Designer or the Report Builder, or you may write your own deployment tool.
