
时间:2022-06-13 11:00:23

I have problems adding openCV to the buildpath of my eclipse-project. I have followed the instructions in the tutorial on this site: http://docs.opencv.org/2.4.4-beta/doc/tutorials/introduction/desktop_java/java_dev_intro.html#create-a-simple-java-project-in-eclipse

在我的eclipse-project的构建路径中添加openCV有问题。我已经按照本网站教程中的说明:http://docs.opencv.org/2.4.4- beta/doc/tutorials/tion/desktop_java/java_dev_intro.html #create-a-simple-java-project-in-eclipse

But executing the code fragment gives this console output:


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no opencv-java2.4.4 in java.library.path
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
at camStatisticsTests.RawTests.main(RawTests.java:20)

What do I have to do in order to get openCV working with java and eclipse. i want to use it as a normal java library.


6 个解决方案



I had the same problem.


It happened because I had a mistake with the 'Native library location' configuration:


Goto Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences:

Goto Eclipse ->窗口->首选项:


Goto User Libraries:



Make sure that your native library location path is (change c:/opencv-2.4.9 to your own opencv folder):



and not:



(I missed the /java folder...)




The OpenCV java library is correctly linked to your Eclipse project.

OpenCV java库正确地链接到Eclipse项目。

The problem is the OpenCV native library which is not in the java.library.path. The exception is thrown by the line


static{ System.loadLibrary("opencv_java244"); }

which link the java library to the native one.


When you install OpenCV on your computer, it will also install a native dll library somewhere on your system, and when you call the System.loadLibrary, you tell java to search and load this library.


Your current problem is Java can not find this library in your System, either because the library is not in one of the java.library.path folders, or because you have not OpenCV installed (also take a look at the version, maybe you have not the 2.4.4 because the last is 2.4.5, in which case you will have to adapt the String).

您当前的问题是Java无法在您的系统中找到这个库,或者因为该库不在Java .library中的任何一个中。路径文件夹,或者因为没有安装OpenCV(也可以查看版本,可能没有2.4.4,因为最后一个是2.4.5,在这种情况下,您必须调整字符串)。

I just noticed that your exception is about "opencv-java2.4.4". Be sure to have the right spelling of the form "opencv_java244", in your System.loadLibrary call.


I also redirect you to one of my answer, which is related to JavaCV, but that explain in more details what is going under.




I found a solution. The actual dll is located in the openCV\opencv\build\java\x64\ folder. In my case, its name is opencv_java247.dll, so I have changed System.loadLibrary("opencv_java244") to System.loadLibrary("opencv_java247") in my java code. I also put the native library location as E:/Sagar_tools/tools/openCV/opencv/build/java/x64 (which is my full path to the dll).

我找到了一个解决方案。实际的dll位于openCV\ openCV\ \ openCV\ build\java\x64\文件夹中。在我的例子中,它的名字是opencv_java247。在我的java代码中,我将System.loadLibrary(“opencv_java244”)更改为System.loadLibrary(“opencv_java247”)。我还将本机库位置设置为E:/Sagar_tools/tools/openCV/ openCV/ build/java/x64(这是我到dll的完整路径)。



For me, Eclipse > external jar > native library config = opencv/build/lib worked

对于我来说,Eclipse >外部jar >本机库配置= opencv/build/lib有效



I have found the solution. The tutorial skips the step, where one has to add a dll to the "native build path". The dll is located in "opencv/build/java/x86" for 32-bit java i guess. although i dont know why this is the case. Would be nice, if someone could explain that.




Change the code to System.loadLibrary("opencv_java244") hope you would set the native path to correct folder and opencv jar has set in build path

将代码更改为System.loadLibrary(“opencv_java244”),希望您能将本机路径设置为正确的文件夹,并在构建路径中设置opencv jar



I had the same problem.


It happened because I had a mistake with the 'Native library location' configuration:


Goto Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences:

Goto Eclipse ->窗口->首选项:


Goto User Libraries:



Make sure that your native library location path is (change c:/opencv-2.4.9 to your own opencv folder):



and not:



(I missed the /java folder...)




The OpenCV java library is correctly linked to your Eclipse project.

OpenCV java库正确地链接到Eclipse项目。

The problem is the OpenCV native library which is not in the java.library.path. The exception is thrown by the line


static{ System.loadLibrary("opencv_java244"); }

which link the java library to the native one.


When you install OpenCV on your computer, it will also install a native dll library somewhere on your system, and when you call the System.loadLibrary, you tell java to search and load this library.


Your current problem is Java can not find this library in your System, either because the library is not in one of the java.library.path folders, or because you have not OpenCV installed (also take a look at the version, maybe you have not the 2.4.4 because the last is 2.4.5, in which case you will have to adapt the String).

您当前的问题是Java无法在您的系统中找到这个库,或者因为该库不在Java .library中的任何一个中。路径文件夹,或者因为没有安装OpenCV(也可以查看版本,可能没有2.4.4,因为最后一个是2.4.5,在这种情况下,您必须调整字符串)。

I just noticed that your exception is about "opencv-java2.4.4". Be sure to have the right spelling of the form "opencv_java244", in your System.loadLibrary call.


I also redirect you to one of my answer, which is related to JavaCV, but that explain in more details what is going under.




I found a solution. The actual dll is located in the openCV\opencv\build\java\x64\ folder. In my case, its name is opencv_java247.dll, so I have changed System.loadLibrary("opencv_java244") to System.loadLibrary("opencv_java247") in my java code. I also put the native library location as E:/Sagar_tools/tools/openCV/opencv/build/java/x64 (which is my full path to the dll).

我找到了一个解决方案。实际的dll位于openCV\ openCV\ \ openCV\ build\java\x64\文件夹中。在我的例子中,它的名字是opencv_java247。在我的java代码中,我将System.loadLibrary(“opencv_java244”)更改为System.loadLibrary(“opencv_java247”)。我还将本机库位置设置为E:/Sagar_tools/tools/openCV/ openCV/ build/java/x64(这是我到dll的完整路径)。



For me, Eclipse > external jar > native library config = opencv/build/lib worked

对于我来说,Eclipse >外部jar >本机库配置= opencv/build/lib有效



I have found the solution. The tutorial skips the step, where one has to add a dll to the "native build path". The dll is located in "opencv/build/java/x86" for 32-bit java i guess. although i dont know why this is the case. Would be nice, if someone could explain that.




Change the code to System.loadLibrary("opencv_java244") hope you would set the native path to correct folder and opencv jar has set in build path

将代码更改为System.loadLibrary(“opencv_java244”),希望您能将本机路径设置为正确的文件夹,并在构建路径中设置opencv jar