如何在Visual Studio 2017中禁用Javascript Build错误?

时间:2023-01-09 03:29:53

I just updated Visual Studio 2017 from RC to final.
I didn't get the following error but recently I get this error
In building the project, I get the following error and it prevents web project to start:

我刚刚从RC更新了Visual Studio 2017到final。我没有得到以下错误但最近我得到此错误在构建项目时,我收到以下错误,它阻止Web项目启动:

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   eqeqeq  (ESLint) Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.   VistaBest.Shop.Web  C:\***\Request.js   21

如何在Visual Studio 2017中禁用Javascript Build错误?

How can I disable JavaScript building error in Visual Studio 2017?

如何在Visual Studio 2017中禁用JavaScript构建错误?

5 个解决方案



I think, find the solution:


  1. Open Tools > Options
  2. 打开工具>选项
  3. Navigate to Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript > EsLint
  4. 导航到文本编辑器> JavaScript / TypeScript> EsLint
  5. Set Enable ESLint to False
  6. 将Enable ESLint设置为False

如何在Visual Studio 2017中禁用Javascript Build错误?



I tried Mohammad`s solution but it didn't work. I managed to work doing the following:


  1. Righ click on your web .csproj file
  2. 右击你的网站.csproj文件
  3. On the first <PropertyGroup> add the following entry: <TypeScriptCompileBlocked>true</TypeScriptCompileBlocked>
  4. 在第一个 上添加以下条目: true



Add /*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "smart"]*/ to the first line of your Javascript code to remove the errors. https://eslint.org/docs/rules/eqeqeq

添加/ * eslint eqeqeq:[“error”,“smart”] * /到您的Javascript代码的第一行以删除错误。 https://eslint.org/docs/rules/eqeqeq

Following Mohammad's solution will turn off ESLint for syntax checking. This works in VS2015 and should work in later versions.




I tried Mohammad's solution but with no luck, I followed Rafeel answer and instead of adding his suggested code sample I removed below code from web .csproj and finally I was able to build and run my project. There were two places where you should remove that in the same file. Still, I don't have any clue how the removed code will affect my solution.

我尝试了Mohammad的解决方案,但没有运气,我跟着Rafeel回答,而不是添加他建议的代码示例我从web .csproj下面删除了代码,最后我能够构建并运行我的项目。有两个地方你应该在同一个文件中删除它。不过,我不知道删除的代码将如何影响我的解决方案。

<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props')" />

Hope this will also help someone to save the day..!!!

希望这也可以帮助别人节省一天.. !!!



In VS 2017 Enterprise, it should be like this:

在VS 2017 Enterprise中,它应该是这样的:

如何在Visual Studio 2017中禁用Javascript Build错误?



I think, find the solution:


  1. Open Tools > Options
  2. 打开工具>选项
  3. Navigate to Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript > EsLint
  4. 导航到文本编辑器> JavaScript / TypeScript> EsLint
  5. Set Enable ESLint to False
  6. 将Enable ESLint设置为False

如何在Visual Studio 2017中禁用Javascript Build错误?



I tried Mohammad`s solution but it didn't work. I managed to work doing the following:


  1. Righ click on your web .csproj file
  2. 右击你的网站.csproj文件
  3. On the first <PropertyGroup> add the following entry: <TypeScriptCompileBlocked>true</TypeScriptCompileBlocked>
  4. 在第一个 上添加以下条目: true



Add /*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "smart"]*/ to the first line of your Javascript code to remove the errors. https://eslint.org/docs/rules/eqeqeq

添加/ * eslint eqeqeq:[“error”,“smart”] * /到您的Javascript代码的第一行以删除错误。 https://eslint.org/docs/rules/eqeqeq

Following Mohammad's solution will turn off ESLint for syntax checking. This works in VS2015 and should work in later versions.




I tried Mohammad's solution but with no luck, I followed Rafeel answer and instead of adding his suggested code sample I removed below code from web .csproj and finally I was able to build and run my project. There were two places where you should remove that in the same file. Still, I don't have any clue how the removed code will affect my solution.

我尝试了Mohammad的解决方案,但没有运气,我跟着Rafeel回答,而不是添加他建议的代码示例我从web .csproj下面删除了代码,最后我能够构建并运行我的项目。有两个地方你应该在同一个文件中删除它。不过,我不知道删除的代码将如何影响我的解决方案。

<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props')" />

Hope this will also help someone to save the day..!!!

希望这也可以帮助别人节省一天.. !!!



In VS 2017 Enterprise, it should be like this:

在VS 2017 Enterprise中,它应该是这样的:

如何在Visual Studio 2017中禁用Javascript Build错误?