如何在iis 7.5中使Asp.net网站脱机

时间:2022-02-04 03:32:56

I have an ASP.NET website, but I would like to show an "under maintenance" page when my clients try to visit the site. Does anyone know how to do this?


1 个解决方案



If you are running your application within a .NET 4.0 application pool (IIS 7.0 or IIS 7.5) or your web site is configured as an ASP.NET 4.0 web site (IIS 6.0) and would like to show your clients an "under maintenance" page for a limited time, the easiest way is to put a file named app_offline.htm in your web site's root folder. Then your application will be taking offline and the clients will be served with app_offline.htm page whatever their requests are.

如果您在.NET 4.0应用程序池(IIS 7.0或IIS 7.5)中运行应用程序,或者您的网站配置为ASP.NET 4.0网站(IIS 6.0),并希望向您的客户显示“维护不足”在有限时间内的页面,最简单的方法是将名为app_offline.htm的文件放在网站的根文件夹中。然后您的应用程序将脱机,无论客户的请求是什么,客户都将通过app_offline.htm页面提供服务。

When you are done with maintenance, just remove or rename the file and everything goes back to normal.


Source: Easiest way to take your web site offline (IIS 6.0 or IIS 7.5 with .NET 4.0)

来源:使您的网站脱机的最简单方法(使用.NET 4.0的IIS 6.0或IIS 7.5)



If you are running your application within a .NET 4.0 application pool (IIS 7.0 or IIS 7.5) or your web site is configured as an ASP.NET 4.0 web site (IIS 6.0) and would like to show your clients an "under maintenance" page for a limited time, the easiest way is to put a file named app_offline.htm in your web site's root folder. Then your application will be taking offline and the clients will be served with app_offline.htm page whatever their requests are.

如果您在.NET 4.0应用程序池(IIS 7.0或IIS 7.5)中运行应用程序,或者您的网站配置为ASP.NET 4.0网站(IIS 6.0),并希望向您的客户显示“维护不足”在有限时间内的页面,最简单的方法是将名为app_offline.htm的文件放在网站的根文件夹中。然后您的应用程序将脱机,无论客户的请求是什么,客户都将通过app_offline.htm页面提供服务。

When you are done with maintenance, just remove or rename the file and everything goes back to normal.


Source: Easiest way to take your web site offline (IIS 6.0 or IIS 7.5 with .NET 4.0)

来源:使您的网站脱机的最简单方法(使用.NET 4.0的IIS 6.0或IIS 7.5)