
时间:2023-01-18 02:47:59

so in my project I have an SKEffectNode that I use to provide a glow effect around some of my spriteNodes. I use a spriteNode (blurNode) to get the color of my obstacle and then give it to the effectNode. This works fine.


 let blurNode = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "neonLine.png")
    blurNode.color = obstacle.color
    blurNode.colorBlendFactor = 1.0
    blurNode.size = CGSize(width: obstacle.size.width + 30, height: obstacle.size.height + 30)

    let effectNode = SKEffectNode()
    effectNode.shouldRasterize = true
    effectNode.filter = CIFilter(name: "CIGaussianBlur", withInputParameters: ["inputRadius":30])
    effectNode.alpha = 1.0

My issue occurs here.


let colorFadegreen = SKAction.sequence([SKAction.colorize(with: UIColor(red: 0, green: 0.6471, blue: 0.3569, alpha: 1.0), colorBlendFactor: 1.0, duration: 3)])



What I want to do is have the "glow" that's around the obstacle change colors with the obstacle. That is exactly what happens; however, when I do so my frame rate drops down to 30fps.


So, my question is does anyone know how to improve the performance of this task? Or is there maybe another way I could go about doing this.


One of the ideas I thought of would be to manually blur the "neonLine.png" in photoshop and then add it to the blur node like so let blurNode = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "bluredNeonLine.png"). The only thing is I can never get the blur right it always looks off.

我想到的一个主意是手动模糊“neonLine”。在photoshop中添加png“,然后添加到模糊节点中,比如让blur node = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed:“bluredneonlin .png”)。唯一的问题是我永远都不能正确的模糊它总是看起来很模糊。

Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!




Here are some photos of the glows in my project:



Here is the glow and lines changing color:



1 个解决方案



Three answers to the performance question with regards glows:


    1. Use a pre-rendered glow, as per your mentioning in the question, done in Photoshop or similar bitmap editor, exported as bitmap with opacity and used as an SKSpriteNode texture, probably with additive blending for best results, and colour caste to taste.
    2. 使用预渲染的辉光,如你在问题中提到的,在Photoshop或类似的位图编辑器中完成,输出为不透明的位图,并用作SKSpriteNode纹理,可能与添加剂混合,以获得最佳效果,颜色等级。
  • 使用预渲染的辉光,如你在问题中提到的,在Photoshop或类似的位图编辑器中完成,输出为不透明的位图,并用作SKSpriteNode纹理,可能与添加剂混合,以获得最佳效果,颜色等级。
    1. Bake a texture of the SKEffectNode that's creating a desirable glow within SpriteKit by making it into a texture, and then loading it into an SKSpriteNode, as per this example: https://*.com/a/40137270/2109038
    2. 烤一个SKEffectNode的纹理,它通过将SpriteKit制作成一个纹理在SpriteKit中创建一个理想的辉光,然后将它加载到SKSpriteNode中,如下例所示:https://*.com/a/40137270/2109038
  • 烤一个SKEffectNode的纹理,它通过将SpriteKit制作成一个纹理在SpriteKit中创建一个理想的辉光,然后将它加载到SKSpriteNode中,如下例所示:https://*.com/a/40137270/2109038
    1. Rasterise the results from your SKEffectNode and then hope your changes to colour casts don't cause re-rendering. This is shown in a wonderful extension, here: https://*.com/a/40362874/2109038
    2. 从您的SKEffectNode中提取结果,然后希望您对颜色强制转换的更改不会导致重新呈现。这里显示了一个很棒的扩展:https://*.com/a/40362874/2109038
  • 从您的SKEffectNode中提取结果,然后希望您对颜色强制转换的更改不会导致重新呈现。这里显示了一个很棒的扩展:https://*.com/a/40362874/2109038

In all cases, you're best off rendering a white glow that fades out as you like, and then applying colour blend changes to it, since SpriteKit has this built in, and it's reasonably performant in the few tests I've done. This is known as colorizing:


You can change and animate both the blend amount: https://developer.apple.com/reference/spritekit/skspritenode/1519780-colorblendfactor


and the color being blended with the texture: https://developer.apple.com/reference/spritekit/skspritenode/1519639-color




Three answers to the performance question with regards glows:


    1. Use a pre-rendered glow, as per your mentioning in the question, done in Photoshop or similar bitmap editor, exported as bitmap with opacity and used as an SKSpriteNode texture, probably with additive blending for best results, and colour caste to taste.
    2. 使用预渲染的辉光,如你在问题中提到的,在Photoshop或类似的位图编辑器中完成,输出为不透明的位图,并用作SKSpriteNode纹理,可能与添加剂混合,以获得最佳效果,颜色等级。
  • 使用预渲染的辉光,如你在问题中提到的,在Photoshop或类似的位图编辑器中完成,输出为不透明的位图,并用作SKSpriteNode纹理,可能与添加剂混合,以获得最佳效果,颜色等级。
    1. Bake a texture of the SKEffectNode that's creating a desirable glow within SpriteKit by making it into a texture, and then loading it into an SKSpriteNode, as per this example: https://*.com/a/40137270/2109038
    2. 烤一个SKEffectNode的纹理,它通过将SpriteKit制作成一个纹理在SpriteKit中创建一个理想的辉光,然后将它加载到SKSpriteNode中,如下例所示:https://*.com/a/40137270/2109038
  • 烤一个SKEffectNode的纹理,它通过将SpriteKit制作成一个纹理在SpriteKit中创建一个理想的辉光,然后将它加载到SKSpriteNode中,如下例所示:https://*.com/a/40137270/2109038
    1. Rasterise the results from your SKEffectNode and then hope your changes to colour casts don't cause re-rendering. This is shown in a wonderful extension, here: https://*.com/a/40362874/2109038
    2. 从您的SKEffectNode中提取结果,然后希望您对颜色强制转换的更改不会导致重新呈现。这里显示了一个很棒的扩展:https://*.com/a/40362874/2109038
  • 从您的SKEffectNode中提取结果,然后希望您对颜色强制转换的更改不会导致重新呈现。这里显示了一个很棒的扩展:https://*.com/a/40362874/2109038

In all cases, you're best off rendering a white glow that fades out as you like, and then applying colour blend changes to it, since SpriteKit has this built in, and it's reasonably performant in the few tests I've done. This is known as colorizing:


You can change and animate both the blend amount: https://developer.apple.com/reference/spritekit/skspritenode/1519780-colorblendfactor


and the color being blended with the texture: https://developer.apple.com/reference/spritekit/skspritenode/1519639-color
