当我访问URL时,我的php脚本没有运行,而是通过Cron Job在预定时间运行

时间:2023-01-19 01:11:35

Others have asked similar questions, but from what I understand their scripts are automated, but when you go to www.mydomain.com/myscript.php, the script still runs.


Or at least that's how it was for me when I set up a cron job in the cpanel for my script. Is there any way I can make it so the script doesn't run when I access that URL, but rather is static, except for its scheduled updates?


I've seen solutions where the script itself is edited to check the last time it ran, and if it was less than X hours ago, it presents that log file.
The problem is I don't know where to find that log file. I'm using BlueHost, if that matters.


1 个解决方案


You could add something like if ($argv[1] == 'RUN') at the top of your php script (before it starts executing your stuff).

您可以在php脚本的顶部添加if($ argv [1] =='RUN')之类的东西(在它开始执行你的东西之前)。

Then you just need to pass that parameter in your cron command, i.e.: 4 4 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/mydomain.com/myscript.php RUN to run at 04:04 every day (n.b. easy webtool to check your cron statement is correct - http://cronchecker.net/)

然后你只需要在你的cron命令中传递该参数,即:4 4 * * * / usr / bin / php /var/www/mydomain.com/myscript.php RUN每天04:04运行(nb easy webtool检查你的cron语句是否正确 - http://cronchecker.net/)

This way, you can keep your script where it is, but it won't execute when you browse to it.



You could add something like if ($argv[1] == 'RUN') at the top of your php script (before it starts executing your stuff).

您可以在php脚本的顶部添加if($ argv [1] =='RUN')之类的东西(在它开始执行你的东西之前)。

Then you just need to pass that parameter in your cron command, i.e.: 4 4 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/mydomain.com/myscript.php RUN to run at 04:04 every day (n.b. easy webtool to check your cron statement is correct - http://cronchecker.net/)

然后你只需要在你的cron命令中传递该参数,即:4 4 * * * / usr / bin / php /var/www/mydomain.com/myscript.php RUN每天04:04运行(nb easy webtool检查你的cron语句是否正确 - http://cronchecker.net/)

This way, you can keep your script where it is, but it won't execute when you browse to it.
