如何在Oracle APEX中预先设置Shuttle Item右侧的值?

时间:2023-02-04 00:57:37

I've looked at numerous forums and tutorials, but it doesn't display the values on the right hand side of the


shuttle. However, if I look at the Session values, it seems to set the values properly, it just doesn't show it


in the Shuttle Item itself. I've done exactly what I found here: http://dgielis.blogspot.com/2008/01/apex-by-example-default-value-of.html http://kr.forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=855688

穿梭物品本身。我完成了我在这里找到的内容:http://dgielis.blogspot.com/2008/01/apex-by-example-default-value-of.html http://kr.forums.oracle.com/forums /thread.jspa?threadID=855688

But none of them are working for me. Any other ideas?


2 个解决方案


If you want to preset the values A, B and D on the right hand side of a shuttle item, set the Default property of the item to




Ok, so it turns out that everything is working properly behind the scenes, as indicated in the Session values when I check them. The only other thing I needed to do was go to the Shuttle properties -> LOV -> Set 'Display Extra Values' to YES.

好的,事实证明一切都在幕后正常工作,如我检查时的会话值所示。我唯一需要做的就是去Shuttle属性 - > LOV - >将'Display Extra Values'设置为YES。


If you want to preset the values A, B and D on the right hand side of a shuttle item, set the Default property of the item to




Ok, so it turns out that everything is working properly behind the scenes, as indicated in the Session values when I check them. The only other thing I needed to do was go to the Shuttle properties -> LOV -> Set 'Display Extra Values' to YES.

好的,事实证明一切都在幕后正常工作,如我检查时的会话值所示。我唯一需要做的就是去Shuttle属性 - > LOV - >将'Display Extra Values'设置为YES。