Castle Windsor:如何通过xml配置覆盖组件注册

时间:2022-10-19 00:09:36

I'm trying to overwrite a component registration (done via xml) with another one (in another xml, loaded via code using container.Install(Configuration.FromXmlFile("...")) that has the same component id, but i receive an error saying:


"Component COMP_ID could not be registered. There is already a component with that name. Did you want to modify the existing component instead? If not, make sure you specify a unique name."


The thing is, i in fact actually would like to modify the existing component, to be able to define basic wiring in a basic castle.xml file and then overwrite it, in another custom.xml file, loaded after the basic one.


I'm trying to use the same component id because a tought it would have rewritten the previous registration.


The reality is that i would like to change wich implementation is used to respond to a service, the component id is just a try that i've done. Since Castle has a policy of first-registration-wins, it would be enough for example to switch to a last-registration-wins, for example.


Concrete example

Let's use the example of an ILogger interface.


The basic castle.xml (loaded always) would be like this:


<component id="logger" service="ILogger" type="NullLogger" ></component>

The file (loaded only in the dev ambient, after the default one) would look like this:文件(仅在dev环境中加载,默认加载后)将如下所示:

<component id="logger" service="ILogger" type="AspNetTraceLogger" ></component>

The file (loaded only in production ambient, after the default one, instead of the dev one) would look like this:文件(仅在生产环境中加载,在默认加载后,而不是开发者)将如下所示:

<component id="logger" service="ILogger" type="SqlServerLogger" ></component>

Now: for each of these configurations, I would like to say "respond to ILogger requests with this impl", so I need to have only one of them to respond to requests for ILogger at each time.


Anyone have any idea?



I'll add: as of now i'm using a, shall we say, "reverse overwriting" technique, where i load the overwriting files "first", before the corresponding "default" ones. In this way, since the policy is first-wins, i can declare them as overwrites, even though internally they are declared before. The problem with this approach is when i have an interface that i know will be implemented more than once (say, IWhateverListener): in this case i cannot remove the other ones already registered, and cannot use the first-wins solution because later on i'll use a ResolveAll() and the "default ones" will be used too.


1 个解决方案



Don't try to register several components with the same ID, or try to hack around it.


If you must use XML, take a look at defines and ifs.


Otherwise just use different installers, one for each environment, and at application startup register the one you want




Don't try to register several components with the same ID, or try to hack around it.


If you must use XML, take a look at defines and ifs.


Otherwise just use different installers, one for each environment, and at application startup register the one you want
