扩展欧几里得 exGCD

时间:2022-04-05 10:49:10

Elementary Number Theory - Extended Euclid Algorithm

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Extended Euclid Algorithm

Given positive integers a and b, find the integer solution (xy) to ax+by=gcd(a,b), where gcd(a,b) is the greatest common divisor of a and b.


a b

Two positive integers a and b are given separated by a space in a line.


Print two integers x and y separated by a space. If there are several pairs of such x and y, print that pair for which |x|+|y| is the minimal (primarily) and x ≤ y (secondarily).


  • 1 ≤ ab ≤ 109

Sample Input 1

4 12

Sample Output 1

1 0

Sample Input 2

3 8

Sample Output 2

3 -1
 #include <bits/stdc++.h>

 #define fread_siz 1024

 inline int get_c(void)
static char buf[fread_siz];
static char *head = buf + fread_siz;
static char *tail = buf + fread_siz; if (head == tail)
fread(head = buf, , fread_siz, stdin); return *head++;
} inline int get_i(void)
register int ret = ;
register int neg = false;
register int bit = get_c(); for (; bit < ; bit = get_c())
if (bit == '-')neg ^= true; for (; bit > ; bit = get_c())
ret = ret * + bit - ; return neg ? -ret : ret;
} int exgcd(int a, int b, int &x, int &y)
if (!b)
x = ;
y = ;
return a;
int ret = exgcd(b, a%b, y, x);
y = y - x * (a / b);
return ret;
} signed main(void)
int x, y;
int a = get_i();
int b = get_i();
exgcd(a, b, x, y);
printf("%d %d\n", x, y);

@Author: YouSiki