
时间:2020-11-27 00:07:09

I needed to update the system tray icon's text value, of my application, whenever a user hovers over it. I noticed that no such event exists for system tray icons. Is it possible to create a hover event for a system tray icon and if so how can I go about accomplishing it?


2 个解决方案


How about hooking into NotifyIcon.MouseMove?


As a basic example, this seems to work (with a NotifyIcon on a Form):


    public Form1() {
        notifyIcon1.MouseMove += delegate
            notifyIcon1.Text = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString();
        notifyIcon1.Icon = SystemIcons.Hand;
        notifyIcon1.Visible = true;            


In WPF, UI Elements have a ToolTipOpening/ToolTipClosing event. You should update the tooltip text in the opening. I don't know if system tray icons have such behavior, but i guess there is something similar.

在WPF中,UI Elements具有ToolTipOpening / ToolTipClosing事件。您应该在开头更新工具提示文本。我不知道系统托盘图标是否有这样的行为,但我猜有类似的东西。


How about hooking into NotifyIcon.MouseMove?


As a basic example, this seems to work (with a NotifyIcon on a Form):


    public Form1() {
        notifyIcon1.MouseMove += delegate
            notifyIcon1.Text = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString();
        notifyIcon1.Icon = SystemIcons.Hand;
        notifyIcon1.Visible = true;            


In WPF, UI Elements have a ToolTipOpening/ToolTipClosing event. You should update the tooltip text in the opening. I don't know if system tray icons have such behavior, but i guess there is something similar.

在WPF中,UI Elements具有ToolTipOpening / ToolTipClosing事件。您应该在开头更新工具提示文本。我不知道系统托盘图标是否有这样的行为,但我猜有类似的东西。