
时间:2022-05-08 22:59:15

I'm setting a new stack of ViewControllers to my navigationController by doing the following:


 MainMenuViewController *mainMenuViewController = [[MainMenuViewController alloc] init];
NSArray *controllerArray = [NSArray arrayWithObject:mainMenuViewController];
[mainMenuViewController release];
[self.navController setViewControllers:controllerArray animated:YES];

The only problem is I can't seem to set the transitional style. Ideally I'd like it to flip. Is this possible? It's important that I use setViewControllers:animated rather than presentModalViewController since I switch back and forth between stacks and want to maintain the navigation control behaviours for each.


1 个解决方案



Instead of swapping out entire navigation stacks, why not just maintain two navigation controllers and animate a transition between them? Seems cleaner to me.



I guess I could be of better assistance if I knew what you were trying to achieve, but I know that you can present a second nav controller modally from a first, and you can push a bunch of views onto it before/after presentation, etc. Also, out-and-out replacement of an existing stack of view controllers, especially if it's deep, may confuse the user, not to mention the Apple review team.


Maintaining two nav controllers in memory is not necessarily a big deal, as long as you have the memory (you probably do), and as long as the user is actually getting benefit.


Perhaps you can shed some light on your high-level purpose and we can go from there.



If you want it to flip, then you can set navController2.modalTranstitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal, which will cause navController2 to flip in when it is presented modally.

如果你想要它翻转,那么你可以设置navController2.modalTranstitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizo​​ntal,这将导致navController2在模态呈现时翻转。

SO had some weird glitch about the time we were commenting below, it might have lost your updates.




Instead of swapping out entire navigation stacks, why not just maintain two navigation controllers and animate a transition between them? Seems cleaner to me.



I guess I could be of better assistance if I knew what you were trying to achieve, but I know that you can present a second nav controller modally from a first, and you can push a bunch of views onto it before/after presentation, etc. Also, out-and-out replacement of an existing stack of view controllers, especially if it's deep, may confuse the user, not to mention the Apple review team.


Maintaining two nav controllers in memory is not necessarily a big deal, as long as you have the memory (you probably do), and as long as the user is actually getting benefit.


Perhaps you can shed some light on your high-level purpose and we can go from there.



If you want it to flip, then you can set navController2.modalTranstitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal, which will cause navController2 to flip in when it is presented modally.

如果你想要它翻转,那么你可以设置navController2.modalTranstitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizo​​ntal,这将导致navController2在模态呈现时翻转。

SO had some weird glitch about the time we were commenting below, it might have lost your updates.
