
时间:2022-01-14 22:26:56

I am quite new to javascript and web application environment. I have seen a react web application project which had a public directory, a client directory and a server directory. I have few question


  1. Why do we need an express server file setup in the frontend project if we already have backend APIs ready and backend server ready


  2. Do we need an express server if we make the frontend on react and call the APIs to fetch the data for application.


  3. Isn't the backend server and express server in the frontend project are same?


2 个解决方案



Why do we need an express server file setup in the frontend project if we already have backend APIs ready and backend server ready


You don't.

You need an HTTP server to listen for and respond to any Ajax requests you make from your client side code.


You need an HTTP server to listen for and respond to any requests for the HTML documents and static resources (JS, CSS, images, etc) that your pages need.


These can be the same HTTP server, different HTTP servers, written with Express or not written with Express.


React tutorials tend to ignore mentioning this and just dive in showing how to use Express for everything. Don't read too much into that.


Do we need an express server if we make the frontend on react and call the APIs to fetch the data for application.


No. See above.


Isn't the backend server and express server in the frontend project are same?


Maybe. It is up to you. See above.




There is no such thing as a "backend server" and a "frontend server", a simple web application is composed of two main parts:


1/ an application that serves html pages, which runs on a backend, so it is usually called a server, but a typical cloud server nowadays can run hundreds of different serving apps at the same time

1 /一个提供html页面的应用程序,它运行在后端,所以它通常被称为服务器,但现在典型的云服务器可以同时运行数百个不同的服务应用程序

2/ a frontend, which is typically a complex piece of JavaScript software and html pages that are dynamically send to the user browser and execute locally

2 /一个前端,通常是一个复杂的JavaScript软件和html页面,动态发送到用户浏览器并在本地执行

The minimum that you require to have a working website is a server application that will return one or several html pages upon user request. A typical React + Node project is organized as follow:

拥有工作网站所需的最低要求是服务器应用程序,它将根据用户请求返回一个或多个html页面。典型的React + Node项目组织如下:

  • A server directory: which contains all the code for the serving app - the one returning the webpages, it can also contains code that handle the REST API, in case your client app requires dynamic data or if your server connect to a database. Note that the webpage server and the API server could be two different- or more - applications.

    服务器目录:包含服务应用程序的所有代码 - 返回网页的代码,它还可以包含处理REST API的代码,以防客户端应用程序需要动态数据或服务器连接到数据库。请注意,网页服务器和API服务器可以是两个不同或更多的应用程序。

  • You usually dont want to share to users your server code, so typically you have a public directory that contains the html pages and this is the only location on the disk - theoretically - that can be access by users. This directory can also contains required images and resources needed by the webpages, it is also called static resources

    您通常不希望向用户分享您的服务器代码,因此通常您有一个包含html页面的公共目录,这是磁盘上唯一的位置 - 理论上 - 可以由用户访问。此目录还可以包含网页所需的所需图像和资源,它也称为静态资源

  • To keep thing more organized, the code of the frontend application is placed in a client directory but on production is usually bundled in one or few files, depending on the size of the app, and also placed in the public directory, so it contains everything needed to serve the app.


Hope it helps




Why do we need an express server file setup in the frontend project if we already have backend APIs ready and backend server ready


You don't.

You need an HTTP server to listen for and respond to any Ajax requests you make from your client side code.


You need an HTTP server to listen for and respond to any requests for the HTML documents and static resources (JS, CSS, images, etc) that your pages need.


These can be the same HTTP server, different HTTP servers, written with Express or not written with Express.


React tutorials tend to ignore mentioning this and just dive in showing how to use Express for everything. Don't read too much into that.


Do we need an express server if we make the frontend on react and call the APIs to fetch the data for application.


No. See above.


Isn't the backend server and express server in the frontend project are same?


Maybe. It is up to you. See above.




There is no such thing as a "backend server" and a "frontend server", a simple web application is composed of two main parts:


1/ an application that serves html pages, which runs on a backend, so it is usually called a server, but a typical cloud server nowadays can run hundreds of different serving apps at the same time

1 /一个提供html页面的应用程序,它运行在后端,所以它通常被称为服务器,但现在典型的云服务器可以同时运行数百个不同的服务应用程序

2/ a frontend, which is typically a complex piece of JavaScript software and html pages that are dynamically send to the user browser and execute locally

2 /一个前端,通常是一个复杂的JavaScript软件和html页面,动态发送到用户浏览器并在本地执行

The minimum that you require to have a working website is a server application that will return one or several html pages upon user request. A typical React + Node project is organized as follow:

拥有工作网站所需的最低要求是服务器应用程序,它将根据用户请求返回一个或多个html页面。典型的React + Node项目组织如下:

  • A server directory: which contains all the code for the serving app - the one returning the webpages, it can also contains code that handle the REST API, in case your client app requires dynamic data or if your server connect to a database. Note that the webpage server and the API server could be two different- or more - applications.

    服务器目录:包含服务应用程序的所有代码 - 返回网页的代码,它还可以包含处理REST API的代码,以防客户端应用程序需要动态数据或服务器连接到数据库。请注意,网页服务器和API服务器可以是两个不同或更多的应用程序。

  • You usually dont want to share to users your server code, so typically you have a public directory that contains the html pages and this is the only location on the disk - theoretically - that can be access by users. This directory can also contains required images and resources needed by the webpages, it is also called static resources

    您通常不希望向用户分享您的服务器代码,因此通常您有一个包含html页面的公共目录,这是磁盘上唯一的位置 - 理论上 - 可以由用户访问。此目录还可以包含网页所需的所需图像和资源,它也称为静态资源

  • To keep thing more organized, the code of the frontend application is placed in a client directory but on production is usually bundled in one or few files, depending on the size of the app, and also placed in the public directory, so it contains everything needed to serve the app.


Hope it helps
