只更新JFace TreeViewer中的可见项

时间:2022-07-12 22:22:53

I implemented an Eclipse plugin that displays data in a TreeViewer.


The tree structure is read on initialization and will not change in runtime. A LabelProvider is used to set the data to display for each item. This object does this by reading from our hardware. Reading a value can take up some time (~0.5sec). Updating values is done every time the debugger pauses and every time the user clicks a designated 'refresh' button.


I have many items and sub items so reading all of the values at once is too time consuming. Therefore, I only want to read the data of items that are visible to the user.


I tried using ILazyTreeContentProvider but this only saves time when the tree loads: After scrolling or expanding a TreeItem, the visible items are added to the list of items to update instead of replacing the invisible nodes.


How can I accomplish this?


1 个解决方案



Found it!


I'm still using the ILazyTreeContentProvider. Every time the debugger stops or the refresh button is clicked, instead of checking which element to refresh, I simply delete all of the elements using tree.clearAll(true). The deletion will call the ILazyTreeContentProviderto do its job again only on the visible items.




Found it!


I'm still using the ILazyTreeContentProvider. Every time the debugger stops or the refresh button is clicked, instead of checking which element to refresh, I simply delete all of the elements using tree.clearAll(true). The deletion will call the ILazyTreeContentProviderto do its job again only on the visible items.
