Jquery UI datepicker在除了最后一个之外的每个tr中呈现

时间:2022-11-30 22:17:04

I have a piece of jquery code that gets dynamically called, and generates any number of tr tags. In each tr tag I have an input of type text set to the jquery ui datepicker. The datepicker will render in every tr tag except the last one consistently no matter how many tr tags are generated. What am I missing? Here is the responsible jquery code:

我有一段动态调用的jquery代码,并生成任意数量的tr标签。在每个tr标签中,我有一个类型为text的输入设置为jquery ui datepicker。无论生成多少个tr标记,datepicker都将在每个tr标记中呈现,除了最后一个标记。我错过了什么?这是负责任的jquery代码:

// create order row
var addOrderRow = function(id, name) {
var self = this;
self.Name = name;
self.Id = id;

self.Output = "<tr><th>Code</th><th>Product</th><th>Options</th><th>Size</th><th>Package</th>" +
    "<th>Price</th><th>Quantity</th><th>Delivery Date</th></tr>" +
    "<tr><td><select name='prodCode'></select></td><td><select name='product'></select>" +
    "</td><td><select name='options'></select></td><td><select name='size'></select></td><td>" +
    "<select name='package'></select></td><td><select name='price'></select></td>" +
    "<td><input type='text' name='quantity'></input></td><td><input type='text' " +
    "name='deliverDate'></input>" +

// assign datepicker to deliverDate
$(function() {
    $("input[name=deliverDate]").datepicker({minDate: 0});

// populate product code

return self.Output;

1 个解决方案



You don't appear to be actually calling the function you use to assign the datepicker. Not to mention, "deliverDate" won't be available to assign to until you add the output to the DOM. So that function needs to come after whatever you're calling to fire the addOrderRow. But then, you'll need some way to actually target it if there are multiple rows with the same name. Concatenate the "id" parameter in the name field in your output, then call your function, add your output code to the page and do:


$("input[name=deliverDate"+id+"]").datepicker({minDate: 0});

in what I assume is a for loop you're doing this in.


Added example for question in comment. Note: I don't have time to test this, you might have to tweak it a bit, but this is the general idea:


    <script type="text/javascript">
        function addOrderRow(id, name)
            return "<tr><td><input type='text' name='deliverDate'"+id+"'></input><input type='button' name='cmd'"+id+"' onclick='processRowUpdate(\'"+id+"\');'></input></td></tr>";
        function processRowUpdate(id)
            var deliverDate = $("input[name=deliverDate"+id+"]").val();
        var arrOrders = [{name:"name1", id:"1"}, {name:"name2", id:"2"}];

        for (var i = 0; i < arrOrder.length; i++)
            $('#myTable > tbody:last').append(addOrderRow(arrOrder[i].name, arrOrder[i].id));
            $("input[name=deliverDate"+id+"]").datepicker({minDate: 0});
    <table id="orders"></div>



You don't appear to be actually calling the function you use to assign the datepicker. Not to mention, "deliverDate" won't be available to assign to until you add the output to the DOM. So that function needs to come after whatever you're calling to fire the addOrderRow. But then, you'll need some way to actually target it if there are multiple rows with the same name. Concatenate the "id" parameter in the name field in your output, then call your function, add your output code to the page and do:


$("input[name=deliverDate"+id+"]").datepicker({minDate: 0});

in what I assume is a for loop you're doing this in.


Added example for question in comment. Note: I don't have time to test this, you might have to tweak it a bit, but this is the general idea:


    <script type="text/javascript">
        function addOrderRow(id, name)
            return "<tr><td><input type='text' name='deliverDate'"+id+"'></input><input type='button' name='cmd'"+id+"' onclick='processRowUpdate(\'"+id+"\');'></input></td></tr>";
        function processRowUpdate(id)
            var deliverDate = $("input[name=deliverDate"+id+"]").val();
        var arrOrders = [{name:"name1", id:"1"}, {name:"name2", id:"2"}];

        for (var i = 0; i < arrOrder.length; i++)
            $('#myTable > tbody:last').append(addOrderRow(arrOrder[i].name, arrOrder[i].id));
            $("input[name=deliverDate"+id+"]").datepicker({minDate: 0});
    <table id="orders"></div>