使用= today()且大于/小于的条件格式公式

时间:2021-08-27 20:28:27

Trying to set up a bit of a to do list with conditional formatting dates. Any time I open the file B2 will load =today()'s date. What I'm hoping to do is find a formula that will allow something like if C2 < B2 (Over due) then conditional formatting rule, or if C2 is 7 days more than B2 then format rule 2.

尝试使用条件格式化日期设置一些待办事项列表。每次打开文件B2都会加载= today()的日期。我希望做的是找到一个公式,允许类似C2 (过期)然后条件格式规则,或者如果c2比b2多7天然后格式化规则2。

Not sure how to proceed with this as =today() isn't being treated like numeric data.

不确定如何继续这样做= today()不被视为数字数据。

Any suggestions?


1 个解决方案


To apply to C2, select it and HOME > Styles - Conditional Formatting, New Rule..., Use a formula to determine which cells to format and Format values where this formula is true::

要应用于C2,请选择它,然后选择HOME和样式 - 条件格式,新规则...,使用公式确定要格式化的单元格以及格式化此公式为真的值::


Format..., select choice of formatting, OK, OK.


Then repeat with:



and (presumably) a different choice of formatting, though could be the same (in which case a single rule would be sufficient).


Beware if C2 contains time as well as date the second rule above will not work (and not that formatting will only work for 7 days time, not 6 nor 8 ahead etc, only seventh day from today not counting today).


TODAY() could be part of the formulae (if adjusted) - does not need to bein a separate cell.

TODAY()可以是公式的一部分(如果调整) - 不需要在单独的单元格中。

To apply to ore than one cell (eg an entire column) is quite possible with slight adjustments.



To apply to C2, select it and HOME > Styles - Conditional Formatting, New Rule..., Use a formula to determine which cells to format and Format values where this formula is true::

要应用于C2,请选择它,然后选择HOME和样式 - 条件格式,新规则...,使用公式确定要格式化的单元格以及格式化此公式为真的值::


Format..., select choice of formatting, OK, OK.


Then repeat with:



and (presumably) a different choice of formatting, though could be the same (in which case a single rule would be sufficient).


Beware if C2 contains time as well as date the second rule above will not work (and not that formatting will only work for 7 days time, not 6 nor 8 ahead etc, only seventh day from today not counting today).


TODAY() could be part of the formulae (if adjusted) - does not need to bein a separate cell.

TODAY()可以是公式的一部分(如果调整) - 不需要在单独的单元格中。

To apply to ore than one cell (eg an entire column) is quite possible with slight adjustments.
