
时间:2022-10-27 20:06:27

What are the main differences between XHTML and HTML? Which one is better in your opinion, and why? Do most browsers support both?


8 个解决方案



This is probably the best article I've read on the differences and relative merits of each:



Which should we use, HTML or XHTML, and why?


There is also a rather technical comparison on the WHATWG wiki.

在WHATWG wiki上还有一个相当技术性的比较。



XHTML is based on XML, and thus requires the source to be well-formed. Since XHTML is more strict than HTML, less pre-processing is needed by the rendering engine.


XHTML should be served as application/xhtml+xml for you to take advantage of the benefits, otherwise XHTML will be treated as ordinary HTML. Serving it as 'application/xhtml+xml' is not common on the web due to Internet Explorer, which cannot handle XHTML.

XHTML应该作为应用程序/ XHTML +xml来使用,否则XHTML将被视为普通的HTML。由于Internet Explorer不能处理xhtml,因此在web上作为“应用程序/xhtml+xml”服务并不常见。



The difference is that XHTML is based on XML while HTML is based on SGML.


Browsers use the SGML parser for content sent with the content type text/html and the XML parser for application/xhtml+xml.

浏览器使用SGML解析器处理与内容类型文本/html一起发送的内容,使用XML解析器处理应用程序/xhtml+ XML。

When using the SGML parser, browsers will continue the parsing even when they encounter a syntax error in the file. This is why so many people think they are doing XHTML when they are sending XML-looking files to the browser. This is actually a mistake since this will trigger many parsing errors in the browser and slow the rendering process.


When using the XML parser, browser will stop the parsing when a syntax error is encountered and display an XML error. This is of course only true for browsers that have an XML parser for HTML content, which is not true for Internet Explorer that will only download the file and not display it.

当使用XML解析器时,当遇到语法错误时,浏览器将停止解析并显示XML错误。当然,这只适用于具有HTML内容XML解析器的浏览器,而不适用于只下载文件而不显示文件的Internet Explorer。

What should you do then?


You should use XHTML if you need the syntax checking and the strict structure that XML impose. You should keep in mind that you must be sending your XHTML content to Internet Explorer with the wrong content type with all the issues implied. You should also keep in mind that your document will break whenever an unvalid content is in the file, so you must take great care to sanitize any user input.

如果需要语法检查和XML强加的严格结构,则应该使用XHTML。您应该记住,您必须以错误的内容类型将XHTML内容发送到Internet Explorer,其中包含所有的问题。您还应该记住,当文件中有无效内容时,您的文档将会中断,因此您必须非常小心地处理任何用户输入。

You should use HTML for anything else. HTML just works and is a greatly supported standard today. Even the next standard HTML 5 defines an SGML-based syntax so this will last.

您应该使用HTML进行其他操作。HTML仅仅是有效的,并且是当今非常受支持的标准。甚至下一个标准的HTML 5也定义了一个基于sgml的语法,因此这种语法将持续下去。

Keep in mind that whatever the format you choose, validating your output is always a good idea to detect syntax error.




The Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, or XHTML, is a markup language that has the same depth of expression as HTML, but also conforms to XML syntax.


XHTML is "the modern version of HTML 4".

XHTML是“HTML 4的现代版本”。

More info : wikipedia and W3C




As previously stated, XHTML should be (in theory) valid XML. In theory (but not in practice) non-conforming XHTML should not be rendered by the browser.


There is very rarely an advantage to use one over the other, so write whichever you personally prefer - as long as you do it consistently. HTML5 which is going to be the future web-standard will support both XHTML and HTML 4.01-style tags (the prior via optional "XML serialization"), and XHTML2 is looking like it will be pretty much dead in the water with no vendors actively supporting it.

使用一种方法比使用另一种方法几乎没有什么好处,所以你可以用你自己喜欢的方法来写作——只要你坚持这样做。HTML5将成为未来的web标准,它将支持XHTML和HTML 4.01样式的标签(之前通过可选的“XML串行化”),而XHTML2看起来将会在没有供应商积极支持它的情况下死水一潭。



Summary: use HTML.


There are many differences, and many smart people (that know what they are talking about :D) have already summed up most of the pros and cons.




It's not about which one is better; the HTML still continues to develop, and HTML5 is on its way (for years, though :) ) and delivers some new elements for easier management of new technologies like multimedia in web pages.


On the other hand, XHTML is about strictness of XML, should we say keeping things clean. If you keep your HTML document well-formed (close every opened element, keep things nested in the tree-form), you're getting the best out of XHTML/XML world and can still be using the HTML format, declaring your documents to be HTML, but still keeping them 'clean' (well-formed). I don't think we should declare each of them 'better'; they can co-exist. It's just about us doing our things the right way.




An example of a difference is the break tag.



is proper HTML, but in XHTML where the elements need to validate as XML, you must self-close the tag:


<br />



This is probably the best article I've read on the differences and relative merits of each:



Which should we use, HTML or XHTML, and why?


There is also a rather technical comparison on the WHATWG wiki.

在WHATWG wiki上还有一个相当技术性的比较。



XHTML is based on XML, and thus requires the source to be well-formed. Since XHTML is more strict than HTML, less pre-processing is needed by the rendering engine.


XHTML should be served as application/xhtml+xml for you to take advantage of the benefits, otherwise XHTML will be treated as ordinary HTML. Serving it as 'application/xhtml+xml' is not common on the web due to Internet Explorer, which cannot handle XHTML.

XHTML应该作为应用程序/ XHTML +xml来使用,否则XHTML将被视为普通的HTML。由于Internet Explorer不能处理xhtml,因此在web上作为“应用程序/xhtml+xml”服务并不常见。



The difference is that XHTML is based on XML while HTML is based on SGML.


Browsers use the SGML parser for content sent with the content type text/html and the XML parser for application/xhtml+xml.

浏览器使用SGML解析器处理与内容类型文本/html一起发送的内容,使用XML解析器处理应用程序/xhtml+ XML。

When using the SGML parser, browsers will continue the parsing even when they encounter a syntax error in the file. This is why so many people think they are doing XHTML when they are sending XML-looking files to the browser. This is actually a mistake since this will trigger many parsing errors in the browser and slow the rendering process.


When using the XML parser, browser will stop the parsing when a syntax error is encountered and display an XML error. This is of course only true for browsers that have an XML parser for HTML content, which is not true for Internet Explorer that will only download the file and not display it.

当使用XML解析器时,当遇到语法错误时,浏览器将停止解析并显示XML错误。当然,这只适用于具有HTML内容XML解析器的浏览器,而不适用于只下载文件而不显示文件的Internet Explorer。

What should you do then?


You should use XHTML if you need the syntax checking and the strict structure that XML impose. You should keep in mind that you must be sending your XHTML content to Internet Explorer with the wrong content type with all the issues implied. You should also keep in mind that your document will break whenever an unvalid content is in the file, so you must take great care to sanitize any user input.

如果需要语法检查和XML强加的严格结构,则应该使用XHTML。您应该记住,您必须以错误的内容类型将XHTML内容发送到Internet Explorer,其中包含所有的问题。您还应该记住,当文件中有无效内容时,您的文档将会中断,因此您必须非常小心地处理任何用户输入。

You should use HTML for anything else. HTML just works and is a greatly supported standard today. Even the next standard HTML 5 defines an SGML-based syntax so this will last.

您应该使用HTML进行其他操作。HTML仅仅是有效的,并且是当今非常受支持的标准。甚至下一个标准的HTML 5也定义了一个基于sgml的语法,因此这种语法将持续下去。

Keep in mind that whatever the format you choose, validating your output is always a good idea to detect syntax error.




The Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, or XHTML, is a markup language that has the same depth of expression as HTML, but also conforms to XML syntax.


XHTML is "the modern version of HTML 4".

XHTML是“HTML 4的现代版本”。

More info : wikipedia and W3C




As previously stated, XHTML should be (in theory) valid XML. In theory (but not in practice) non-conforming XHTML should not be rendered by the browser.


There is very rarely an advantage to use one over the other, so write whichever you personally prefer - as long as you do it consistently. HTML5 which is going to be the future web-standard will support both XHTML and HTML 4.01-style tags (the prior via optional "XML serialization"), and XHTML2 is looking like it will be pretty much dead in the water with no vendors actively supporting it.

使用一种方法比使用另一种方法几乎没有什么好处,所以你可以用你自己喜欢的方法来写作——只要你坚持这样做。HTML5将成为未来的web标准,它将支持XHTML和HTML 4.01样式的标签(之前通过可选的“XML串行化”),而XHTML2看起来将会在没有供应商积极支持它的情况下死水一潭。



Summary: use HTML.


There are many differences, and many smart people (that know what they are talking about :D) have already summed up most of the pros and cons.




It's not about which one is better; the HTML still continues to develop, and HTML5 is on its way (for years, though :) ) and delivers some new elements for easier management of new technologies like multimedia in web pages.


On the other hand, XHTML is about strictness of XML, should we say keeping things clean. If you keep your HTML document well-formed (close every opened element, keep things nested in the tree-form), you're getting the best out of XHTML/XML world and can still be using the HTML format, declaring your documents to be HTML, but still keeping them 'clean' (well-formed). I don't think we should declare each of them 'better'; they can co-exist. It's just about us doing our things the right way.




An example of a difference is the break tag.



is proper HTML, but in XHTML where the elements need to validate as XML, you must self-close the tag:


<br />