在命令行输入“bundle install”后,我得到“确保gem安装了json - v1.8.2”在捆绑之前成功。

时间:2023-01-25 20:05:35

I've been following this lynda tutorial online on 'Ruby on Rails.' I've downloaded Ruby, devkit and rails on to my computer. After I created sample_app and tried to run bundle install, but it keeps telling me make sure that 'gem install json -v 1.8.2' succeeds before bundling" I try to run gem install json -v 1.8.2 and other variations including "gem install json -v 1.8.2 --verbose", "gem install json --platform=ruby" but everytime I get an error saying that it failed to build gem native extensions. The same thing happened when I was following the downloading devkit tutorial and I tried to install JSON as per its instructions. I've tried using gem update system 2.3.0 but that doesn't work either. What could be wrong?

我一直在关注这个lynda教程在线上的Ruby on Rails。我把Ruby、devkit和rails下载到我的电脑上。我创建了sample_app后试图运行包安装,但它一直告诉我确保“gem安装json - v 1.8.2”成功之前捆绑”我试着运行gem安装json - v 1.8.2和其他的变化包括“gem安装json - v 1.8.2——verbose”、“gem安装json平台= ruby”但每次我得到一个错误说它未能构建宝石原生扩展。同样的事情发生在我下载devkit教程的时候,我试着按照它的指示来安装JSON。我试过使用gem更新系统2.3.0,但那也不行。可能是错的呢?

2 个解决方案



Typically this will happen on Windows because not all the commands are availible. I would recommended that you either use VirtualBox with an Ubuntu image or use Cloud9 IDE.

通常情况下,这将发生在Windows上,因为并非所有的命令都是可靠的。我建议您要么使用带有Ubuntu映像的VirtualBox,要么使用Cloud9 IDE。



I just experienced the same problem myself. I am working my way from Windows to a Mac but not quite there just yet. Windows is ok for Rails development (been doing so for 3 years) although it does present some unique issues occasionally. Check out the following link to downgrade RubyGems to 1.8.29 and then try running bundle install again.


Issue with Ruby gem install

使用Ruby gem安装。



Typically this will happen on Windows because not all the commands are availible. I would recommended that you either use VirtualBox with an Ubuntu image or use Cloud9 IDE.

通常情况下,这将发生在Windows上,因为并非所有的命令都是可靠的。我建议您要么使用带有Ubuntu映像的VirtualBox,要么使用Cloud9 IDE。



I just experienced the same problem myself. I am working my way from Windows to a Mac but not quite there just yet. Windows is ok for Rails development (been doing so for 3 years) although it does present some unique issues occasionally. Check out the following link to downgrade RubyGems to 1.8.29 and then try running bundle install again.


Issue with Ruby gem install

使用Ruby gem安装。