
时间:2021-11-14 20:07:46

As my formal education in programming pre-dates C, I learnt C from K&R and other texts.


Are there helpful conventions for vocalising C code when reading and writing it?


For example, in


 d = emalloc(sizeof(*d));
 d->d_name = estrdup(name);

is '=' best read as 'is set to' or 'equals' or something else?

'=' best read as 'is set to' or 'equals' or something else?

Would '==' then be read as 'equals' or 'is' or 'has the same value as'?

那么'= '将被读为'equals'或'is'或'has the same value as'?

Similarly with "*d", "d->d_name", and then "&d", " & ", " && ", and so on.

类似与“* d”,“d - > d_name”,然后“研发”、“&”、“& &”,等等。

I know what all these mean and what they do, the question relates to what you say (out loud or internally) when reading the symbol, especially if you think this helps understanding and minimises confusion.


11 个解决方案



I hadn't really thought about it before, but I now realise that I don't intermally read programming language statements like those above as English words. I just look at them and know what they do.


And interestingly, this works even when I don't really know what a function does. For example, I've never come across emalloc() before, but my brain still tells me what the statement (probably) does.


If for some reason (war? national security?) I had tb read something like:


 d->d_name = estrdup(name);

over the phone, I'd say:


"thing pointed to by d's d_name member gets assigned the result of calling estrdup with name as the parameter"

" d的d_name成员所指向的东西被指定为调用estrdup的结果,并以名称作为参数"

But that is emphactically not what is going through my head when I read the code.




ASCII Pronunciation Rules for Programmers has a large list of, well, the ASCII pronunciation rules... not so much the best way to pronounce a pointer, necessarily, but at least how to verbalize symbols.




I pronounce this as:


d = emalloc(sizeof(*d));

dee equal ee malloc size of star dee


d->d_name = estrdup(name);

dee arrow dee underscore name equal ee stir dupe name"


But I wouldn't call any of that best practice. I don't pronounce the parenthesis except when it would be ambiguous, such as with operator precedence. I do pronounce almost all other punctiation. I actually read == as "equal equal"

但我不认为这是最好的做法。我不发括号,除非它是模棱两可的,比如运算符优先级。我确实发过几乎所有其他的穿刺音。== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==



I am not an English native, but those are the terms I see being used the most:


'=' - assign to
'==' - equals
d->d_name member of a struct
&d - address of d
& - bitwise and
&& - logical and (or just "and" for short)
*d - dereference d, or in case of *d = x "assign x to what is being pointed by d"

As for your example:


d = malloc(sizeof(*a));

Allocate (malloc) an amount of memory equal to the size of what is pointed to by a and assign the result to d.


d->d_name = estrdup(name);

Assign to the member d_name of d the value returned by the call to estrdup with name as the parameter.




(Speaking slowly and clearly.) I am going to read some text to you, one character at a time. I will read it slowly and clearly, pausing slightly after each character. I'm going to ask you to read it back to me when I'm finished, so listen carefully, but just keep going if you make a mistake. All of the letters are lower case and it contains punctuation throughout. Are you ready? (Wait for confirmation.)


(Adjust speed between slow and extremely slow based on audio feedback.) d space equals space e m a l l o c left-parenthesis s i z e o f left-parenthesis asterisk d right-parenthesis right-parenthesis semi-colon new-line d dash greater-than d underscore n a m e space equals space e s t r d u p left-parenthesis n a m e right-parenthesis semi-colon

之间(调整速度缓慢,极其缓慢的基于音频反馈。)d =空间e m z l l o c左括号s i e o f左括号星号右括号右括号分号换行d '大于d强调n m e =空间e s t r d u p左括号n m e右括号分号

Ok, please read it back to me slowly and one character at a time. (Confirm that they received the transmission correctly. Retransmit if necessary.)




I normally use the word/group of words in which are already used for the C syntax elements if i need to pronounce/read aloud the C code-




*d = value at memory address in d

*d = d中内存地址的值

d->d_name = value at memory address pointed at some offset from base address in d (this value could be a integral value or another address value!)

d->d_name =内存地址的值,指向与d中的基地址的某个偏移量(该值可以是一个整数值,也可以是另一个地址值!)

&d = memory address of value d

&d = d值的内存地址

x=y = value of x updated and changed with value in y.

x=y = x值随y值的变化而变化。

x == y =compare value of x with value of y

x = y = x值与y值的比较

When i was doing this i found that 'pronouncing' following C language constructs would be tricky/interesting:


  int a;
float b;

function pointers,








IMO, here is the best way to read the following (insofar as PHP is concerned):


= "is (now) set to"

= "is (now) set to"

== "is (now) equal to"

== "is (now) = "

=== "is (now) identical to"

=== "is (now) same to"

  • Calling = "is set to" helps to avoid using it incorrectly.
  • 调用= "is set to"有助于避免使用不正确。
  • The word "now" is optional but reminds programming novices (like myself) of the dynamic nature of values.
  • “现在”这个词是可选的,但它提醒编程新手(像我一样)价值观的动态性。



Hmm, never thought about this directly before.


For words and identifiers, I just pronounce them as they are written.


For symbols, I don't think there is a hard and fast rule. If the operator pronounced as it's written makes sense then I do that. For example, == I would pronounce as equals equals. There's no ambiguity there and for most programmers it flows.

对于符号,我认为没有硬性规定。如果运算符读起来是有意义的,那么我就这么做。例如,== I的发音为等于。这里没有歧义,对于大多数程序员来说,它是流动的。

Operators like -> though I would just say member access. Saying "dash greater than" is correct but I'm guessing I'd get a few funny stares.

操作符像->,我只说成员访问。说“dash greater than”是对的,但我猜我会得到一些有趣的眼神。



I'm not a native english speaker and neither do I read out code, but here's how I'd do it:


= -> equals
== -> is equal to
& -> bitwise and
&& -> and
&d -> address of

= -> == -> = -> / >和&d ->地址。

I would read *d, d->d_name, d.d_name as "d"/"d d_name", as it should be clear from the context.

我会读*d, d->d_name, d。d_name为“d”/“d d_name”,从上下文应该很清楚。



 d = emalloc(sizeof(*d));

dee equals ee malloc sizeof star dee

dee等于ee malloc sizeof star dee

 d->d_name = estrdup(name);

dee ref dee name equals ee stir dup name

dee ref dee name = ee stir dup name

 if ( d -> d_name == NULL )

if dee ref dee name is null

如果dee id名称为null


if dee ref dee name is equal to null

如果dee dee dee name等于null



I usually pronounce both "=" and "==" as "equals".


There's little ambiguity, since I very rarely use "=" in a context where its result is used, or "==" in a context where its result is not used. If the former came up, perhaps in code I was reading that I didn't write, I might say "if a single-equals b", or "for i equals j semi-colon i single-equals j semi-colon plus-plus j. I hope that's not a bug".

这里几乎没有歧义,因为我很少在使用结果的上下文中使用“=”,或者在不使用结果的上下文中使用“==”。如果出现前者,也许在我读到的代码中我没有写,我可能会说“If a single-equals b”,或者“for I = j分号I single- = j分号+ j,我希望这不是一个错误”。

In any case, it's pretty rare for me to speak code out loud in a context where ambiguity really matters. So how I normally say it is different from what I'd do in a situation where I needed to be really pedantic about conveying text accurately.


If I was dictating a lot of code (pair programming, for example) then I'd normally expect to read it as it was typed, so any errors can be spotted. If my ambiguity was frequently confusing the typist and wasting time, then I'd expect just to agree a convention on the spot. Far easier than forming a consensus among all C/C++/Java/C# programmers in the world, ever.

如果我在口述大量的代码(例如,结对编程),那么我通常希望在输入时读取它,这样就可以发现任何错误。如果我的模棱两可经常让打字员感到困惑和浪费时间,那么我希望我能当场同意一个约定。这比世界上所有的C/ c++ /Java/ c#程序员达成一致要容易得多。



I hadn't really thought about it before, but I now realise that I don't intermally read programming language statements like those above as English words. I just look at them and know what they do.


And interestingly, this works even when I don't really know what a function does. For example, I've never come across emalloc() before, but my brain still tells me what the statement (probably) does.


If for some reason (war? national security?) I had tb read something like:


 d->d_name = estrdup(name);

over the phone, I'd say:


"thing pointed to by d's d_name member gets assigned the result of calling estrdup with name as the parameter"

" d的d_name成员所指向的东西被指定为调用estrdup的结果,并以名称作为参数"

But that is emphactically not what is going through my head when I read the code.




ASCII Pronunciation Rules for Programmers has a large list of, well, the ASCII pronunciation rules... not so much the best way to pronounce a pointer, necessarily, but at least how to verbalize symbols.




I pronounce this as:


d = emalloc(sizeof(*d));

dee equal ee malloc size of star dee


d->d_name = estrdup(name);

dee arrow dee underscore name equal ee stir dupe name"


But I wouldn't call any of that best practice. I don't pronounce the parenthesis except when it would be ambiguous, such as with operator precedence. I do pronounce almost all other punctiation. I actually read == as "equal equal"

但我不认为这是最好的做法。我不发括号,除非它是模棱两可的,比如运算符优先级。我确实发过几乎所有其他的穿刺音。== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==



I am not an English native, but those are the terms I see being used the most:


'=' - assign to
'==' - equals
d->d_name member of a struct
&d - address of d
& - bitwise and
&& - logical and (or just "and" for short)
*d - dereference d, or in case of *d = x "assign x to what is being pointed by d"

As for your example:


d = malloc(sizeof(*a));

Allocate (malloc) an amount of memory equal to the size of what is pointed to by a and assign the result to d.


d->d_name = estrdup(name);

Assign to the member d_name of d the value returned by the call to estrdup with name as the parameter.




(Speaking slowly and clearly.) I am going to read some text to you, one character at a time. I will read it slowly and clearly, pausing slightly after each character. I'm going to ask you to read it back to me when I'm finished, so listen carefully, but just keep going if you make a mistake. All of the letters are lower case and it contains punctuation throughout. Are you ready? (Wait for confirmation.)


(Adjust speed between slow and extremely slow based on audio feedback.) d space equals space e m a l l o c left-parenthesis s i z e o f left-parenthesis asterisk d right-parenthesis right-parenthesis semi-colon new-line d dash greater-than d underscore n a m e space equals space e s t r d u p left-parenthesis n a m e right-parenthesis semi-colon

之间(调整速度缓慢,极其缓慢的基于音频反馈。)d =空间e m z l l o c左括号s i e o f左括号星号右括号右括号分号换行d '大于d强调n m e =空间e s t r d u p左括号n m e右括号分号

Ok, please read it back to me slowly and one character at a time. (Confirm that they received the transmission correctly. Retransmit if necessary.)




I normally use the word/group of words in which are already used for the C syntax elements if i need to pronounce/read aloud the C code-




*d = value at memory address in d

*d = d中内存地址的值

d->d_name = value at memory address pointed at some offset from base address in d (this value could be a integral value or another address value!)

d->d_name =内存地址的值,指向与d中的基地址的某个偏移量(该值可以是一个整数值,也可以是另一个地址值!)

&d = memory address of value d

&d = d值的内存地址

x=y = value of x updated and changed with value in y.

x=y = x值随y值的变化而变化。

x == y =compare value of x with value of y

x = y = x值与y值的比较

When i was doing this i found that 'pronouncing' following C language constructs would be tricky/interesting:


  int a;
float b;

function pointers,








IMO, here is the best way to read the following (insofar as PHP is concerned):


= "is (now) set to"

= "is (now) set to"

== "is (now) equal to"

== "is (now) = "

=== "is (now) identical to"

=== "is (now) same to"

  • Calling = "is set to" helps to avoid using it incorrectly.
  • 调用= "is set to"有助于避免使用不正确。
  • The word "now" is optional but reminds programming novices (like myself) of the dynamic nature of values.
  • “现在”这个词是可选的,但它提醒编程新手(像我一样)价值观的动态性。



Hmm, never thought about this directly before.


For words and identifiers, I just pronounce them as they are written.


For symbols, I don't think there is a hard and fast rule. If the operator pronounced as it's written makes sense then I do that. For example, == I would pronounce as equals equals. There's no ambiguity there and for most programmers it flows.

对于符号,我认为没有硬性规定。如果运算符读起来是有意义的,那么我就这么做。例如,== I的发音为等于。这里没有歧义,对于大多数程序员来说,它是流动的。

Operators like -> though I would just say member access. Saying "dash greater than" is correct but I'm guessing I'd get a few funny stares.

操作符像->,我只说成员访问。说“dash greater than”是对的,但我猜我会得到一些有趣的眼神。



I'm not a native english speaker and neither do I read out code, but here's how I'd do it:


= -> equals
== -> is equal to
& -> bitwise and
&& -> and
&d -> address of

= -> == -> = -> / >和&d ->地址。

I would read *d, d->d_name, d.d_name as "d"/"d d_name", as it should be clear from the context.

我会读*d, d->d_name, d。d_name为“d”/“d d_name”,从上下文应该很清楚。



 d = emalloc(sizeof(*d));

dee equals ee malloc sizeof star dee

dee等于ee malloc sizeof star dee

 d->d_name = estrdup(name);

dee ref dee name equals ee stir dup name

dee ref dee name = ee stir dup name

 if ( d -> d_name == NULL )

if dee ref dee name is null

如果dee id名称为null


if dee ref dee name is equal to null

如果dee dee dee name等于null



I usually pronounce both "=" and "==" as "equals".


There's little ambiguity, since I very rarely use "=" in a context where its result is used, or "==" in a context where its result is not used. If the former came up, perhaps in code I was reading that I didn't write, I might say "if a single-equals b", or "for i equals j semi-colon i single-equals j semi-colon plus-plus j. I hope that's not a bug".

这里几乎没有歧义,因为我很少在使用结果的上下文中使用“=”,或者在不使用结果的上下文中使用“==”。如果出现前者,也许在我读到的代码中我没有写,我可能会说“If a single-equals b”,或者“for I = j分号I single- = j分号+ j,我希望这不是一个错误”。

In any case, it's pretty rare for me to speak code out loud in a context where ambiguity really matters. So how I normally say it is different from what I'd do in a situation where I needed to be really pedantic about conveying text accurately.


If I was dictating a lot of code (pair programming, for example) then I'd normally expect to read it as it was typed, so any errors can be spotted. If my ambiguity was frequently confusing the typist and wasting time, then I'd expect just to agree a convention on the spot. Far easier than forming a consensus among all C/C++/Java/C# programmers in the world, ever.

如果我在口述大量的代码(例如,结对编程),那么我通常希望在输入时读取它,这样就可以发现任何错误。如果我的模棱两可经常让打字员感到困惑和浪费时间,那么我希望我能当场同意一个约定。这比世界上所有的C/ c++ /Java/ c#程序员达成一致要容易得多。