如何将Excel 2007 xlsx文件中的数据导入SQL Server 2000数据库?

时间:2021-11-21 16:58:10

SQL Server 2000 doesn't seem to support the xml based .xlsx file types. Besides converting the file to a 97-2003 file type, how else can I achieve this?

SQL Server 2000似乎不支持基于xml的.xlsx文件类型。除了将文件转换为97-2003文件类型外,我还能如何实现这一目标?

2 个解决方案



If you have Excel 2007, you might also have Access 2007.

如果您有Excel 2007,则可能还有Access 2007。

You can create an Access 2007 Access Data Project (.adp) file. Connect this to your SQL 2000 database. Then use the Access 2007 import table function to get the Excel 2007 data.

您可以创建Access 2007 Access数据项目(.adp)文件。将其连接到SQL 2000数据库。然后使用Access 2007导入表函数来获取Excel 2007数据。



I ended up doing this.




If you have Excel 2007, you might also have Access 2007.

如果您有Excel 2007,则可能还有Access 2007。

You can create an Access 2007 Access Data Project (.adp) file. Connect this to your SQL 2000 database. Then use the Access 2007 import table function to get the Excel 2007 data.

您可以创建Access 2007 Access数据项目(.adp)文件。将其连接到SQL 2000数据库。然后使用Access 2007导入表函数来获取Excel 2007数据。



I ended up doing this.
