
时间:2022-12-19 16:57:24

I just came over this syntax in some of the questions in this forum, but Google and any other searchengine tends to block out anything but letters and number in the search so it is impossible to search out "=>".


So can anyone tell me what it is and how it is used?


7 个解决方案



It's the lambda operator.


From C# 3 to C# 5, this was only used for lambda expressions. These are basically a shorter form of the anonymous methods introduced in C# 2, but can also be converted into expression trees.


As an example:


Func<Person, string> nameProjection = p => p.Name;

is equivalent to:


Func<Person, string> nameProjection = delegate (Person p) { return p.Name; };

In both cases you're creating a delegate with a Person parameter, returning that person's name (as a string).


In C# 6 the same syntax is used for expression-bodied members, e.g.


// Expression-bodied property
public int IsValid => name != null && id != -1;

// Expression-bodied method
public int GetHashCode() => id.GetHashCode();

See also:

(And indeed many similar questions - try the lambda and lambda-expressions tags.)

(确实有很多类似的问题 - 试试lambda和lambda-expressions标签。)



It means awesomeness. For e.g.


x => x + 1

represents a method which takes x as a parameter and returns the successor of it.


button.Click += new EventHandler((sender, e) => methodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { sender, e }));

assigns an event handler to a button by invoking a method that a MethodInfo holds.




It is another form of function notation. The following are roughly equivalent:


// explicit function
int MyFunc(int pParam)
   return pParam;

// delegate function
Func<int, int> MyFunc = delegate(int pParam) { return pParam; };

// lambda expression
Func<int, int> MyFunc = x => x;

Think of a lambda expression as saying, "given something, return something". In the example above, the function x => x says "given x, return x". (Although lambda expressions do not necessarily need to return something, in which case you might read them as "given x, do something with x".)

想想一个lambda表达式,“给出一些东西,返回一些东西”。在上面的例子中,函数x => x表示“给定x,返回x”。 (虽然lambda表达式不一定需要返回某些东西,在这种情况下,你可能会将它们读作“给定x,用x做一些事情”。)



here's a simple example from msdn


delegate int del(int i);
del myDelegate = x => x * x;
int j = myDelegate(5); //j = 25

Anything before the => are the input parameters, and anything after is the expression. You can have multiple input parameters. Lambdas are mainly used with Linq.

=>之前的任何内容都是输入参数,之后的任何内容都是表达式。您可以拥有多个输入参数。 Lambdas主要用于Linq。



Instead of using anonymous method like this:


somevar.Find(delegate(int n)
   if(n < 10)
      return n;

you simply write it like this:


somevar.Find(n => n < 10);

It will take the data type based on the return value.




It basically means "goes into", like a parameter


MyObjectReference => MyObjectReference.DoSomething()

Usually you use them to pass functions into methods as parameters, or in LINQ statements


MyCollection.Where(myobj => myobj.Age>10)

For example.



It is part of the syntax of a lambda expression. A lambda expression is essentially a shortened form of a delegate or of an anonymous method. To illustrate, assume that I have an array of strings matching the letters of the alphabet. I could pick out the members of that array that contained values greater than "E" with the following LINQ expression:

它是lambda表达式语法的一部分。 lambda表达式本质上是委托或匿名方法的缩写形式。为了说明,假设我有一个与字母表字母匹配的字符串数组。我可以使用以下LINQ表达式选择包含大于“E”值的数组的成员:

var someLetters = alphabet.Where(l => l > "E");

var someLetters = alphabet.Where(l => l>“E”);

The part of the lambda expression to the left of the "=>" identifies the variable name for the test (which is set to the individual members of alphabet) and the part of the lambda expression to the right of the "=>" identifies the processing. In this case the processing produces a boolean value that the Where logic uses to determine if each member of the alphabet is passed through to the someLetters array.




It's the lambda operator.


From C# 3 to C# 5, this was only used for lambda expressions. These are basically a shorter form of the anonymous methods introduced in C# 2, but can also be converted into expression trees.


As an example:


Func<Person, string> nameProjection = p => p.Name;

is equivalent to:


Func<Person, string> nameProjection = delegate (Person p) { return p.Name; };

In both cases you're creating a delegate with a Person parameter, returning that person's name (as a string).


In C# 6 the same syntax is used for expression-bodied members, e.g.


// Expression-bodied property
public int IsValid => name != null && id != -1;

// Expression-bodied method
public int GetHashCode() => id.GetHashCode();

See also:

(And indeed many similar questions - try the lambda and lambda-expressions tags.)

(确实有很多类似的问题 - 试试lambda和lambda-expressions标签。)



It means awesomeness. For e.g.


x => x + 1

represents a method which takes x as a parameter and returns the successor of it.


button.Click += new EventHandler((sender, e) => methodInfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { sender, e }));

assigns an event handler to a button by invoking a method that a MethodInfo holds.




It is another form of function notation. The following are roughly equivalent:


// explicit function
int MyFunc(int pParam)
   return pParam;

// delegate function
Func<int, int> MyFunc = delegate(int pParam) { return pParam; };

// lambda expression
Func<int, int> MyFunc = x => x;

Think of a lambda expression as saying, "given something, return something". In the example above, the function x => x says "given x, return x". (Although lambda expressions do not necessarily need to return something, in which case you might read them as "given x, do something with x".)

想想一个lambda表达式,“给出一些东西,返回一些东西”。在上面的例子中,函数x => x表示“给定x,返回x”。 (虽然lambda表达式不一定需要返回某些东西,在这种情况下,你可能会将它们读作“给定x,用x做一些事情”。)



here's a simple example from msdn


delegate int del(int i);
del myDelegate = x => x * x;
int j = myDelegate(5); //j = 25

Anything before the => are the input parameters, and anything after is the expression. You can have multiple input parameters. Lambdas are mainly used with Linq.

=>之前的任何内容都是输入参数,之后的任何内容都是表达式。您可以拥有多个输入参数。 Lambdas主要用于Linq。



Instead of using anonymous method like this:


somevar.Find(delegate(int n)
   if(n < 10)
      return n;

you simply write it like this:


somevar.Find(n => n < 10);

It will take the data type based on the return value.




It basically means "goes into", like a parameter


MyObjectReference => MyObjectReference.DoSomething()

Usually you use them to pass functions into methods as parameters, or in LINQ statements


MyCollection.Where(myobj => myobj.Age>10)

For example.



It is part of the syntax of a lambda expression. A lambda expression is essentially a shortened form of a delegate or of an anonymous method. To illustrate, assume that I have an array of strings matching the letters of the alphabet. I could pick out the members of that array that contained values greater than "E" with the following LINQ expression:

它是lambda表达式语法的一部分。 lambda表达式本质上是委托或匿名方法的缩写形式。为了说明,假设我有一个与字母表字母匹配的字符串数组。我可以使用以下LINQ表达式选择包含大于“E”值的数组的成员:

var someLetters = alphabet.Where(l => l > "E");

var someLetters = alphabet.Where(l => l>“E”);

The part of the lambda expression to the left of the "=>" identifies the variable name for the test (which is set to the individual members of alphabet) and the part of the lambda expression to the right of the "=>" identifies the processing. In this case the processing produces a boolean value that the Where logic uses to determine if each member of the alphabet is passed through to the someLetters array.

