C++ Primer Plus第六版 第五章 编程练习答案

时间:2023-02-14 12:06:31
Author : Yuuji 
Blog : blog.csdn.net/acm_yuuji 
Time : 2014/07/06
From : C++ Primer Plus第六版第五章编程练习 第1题 
Problem : 编写一个要求用户输入两个整数的程序。该程序将计算并输出这两个整数之间(包括这两个整数)所有整数的和。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	cout << "请输入两个整数: ";
	int s , e;
	cin >> s >> e;
	int sum = 0;
	for(;s <= e; s ++)
		sum += s;
	cout << "整数和为" << sum << endl;
	return 0;

//第二题因为编译器不支持array所以没写= =



//用G++4.8.3编译的,注意G++默认是不开启c++11的要加上-std=c++11 这个神坑啊!
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
int main()
	const int ArSize = 16;
	std::array<long double, ArSize> a = {1};
	for(int i = 1 ; i < a.size() ; ++i)
		a[i] = i * a[i - 1];
	for(int i = 0 ; i < a.size() ; ++i)
		std::cout << i << "! = " << a[i] << std::endl;
	return 0;

Author : Yuuji 
Blog : blog.csdn.net/acm_yuuji 
Time : 2014/07/06
From : C++ Primer Plus第六版第五章编程练习 第3题 
Problem : 编写一个要求用户输入数字的程序。每次输入后,程序都将报告到目前为止,所有输入的累计和。当用户输入0时,
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	int data , sum = 0;
	cout << "请输入一个数字(输入0终止): ";
	while(cin >> data && data){
		cout << "到目前为止累计和为: " << (sum += data) << endl;
		cout << "请输入一个数字(输入0终止): ";
	return 0;

Author : Yuuji 
Blog : blog.csdn.net/acm_yuuji 
Time : 2014/07/06
From : C++ Primer Plus第六版第五章编程练习 第4题 
Problem : Daphne以10%的单利投资了100美元。也就是说,每一年的利润都是投资额的10%,即每年10美元:
利息 = 0.10 * 原始存款
利息 = 0.05 * 当前存款
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	double d = 100 , c = 100;
	int count = 0;
	while(c <= d){
		d += 10;
		c *= 1.05;
	cout << count << endl;
	return 0;

Author : Yuuji 
Blog : blog.csdn.net/acm_yuuji 
Time : 2014/07/06
From : C++ Primer Plus第六版第五章编程练习 第5题 
Problem : 假设要销售《C++ For Fools》一书。请编写一个程序,输入全年中每个月的销售量(图书数量,而不是销售额)。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
	string str1 = "请输入第" , str2 = "月的销售量: ";
	int month = 1 , sell[13] , sum = 0;
	for(;month <= 12; month++){
		cout << str1 << month << str2;
		cin >> sell[month];
		sum += sell[month];
	cout << "总销售额: " << sum << endl;
	return 0;

Author : Yuuji 
Blog : blog.csdn.net/acm_yuuji 
Time : 2014/07/06
From : C++ Primer Plus第六版第五章编程练习 第6题 
Problem : 完成编程练习5,但这一次使用一个二维数组来存储输入——3年中每个月的销售量。程序将报告每年的销售量以及
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
	string str1 = "请输入第" , str2 = "年第" , str3 = "月的销售量: ";
	int year = 1 , month = 1 , sell[4][13] , sum[4] = {0};
	for(; year <= 3 ; year ++){
		for(month = 1; month <= 12 ; month ++){
			cout << str1 << year << str2 << month << str3;
			cin >> sell[year][month];
			sum[year] += sell[year][month];
		cout << "第" << year << "年的销售量是: " << sum[year] << endl;
	cout << "总销售额: " << sum[1] + sum[2] + sum[3] << endl;
	return 0;

Author : Yuuji 
Blog : blog.csdn.net/acm_yuuji 
Time : 2014/07/06
From : C++ Primer Plus第六版第五章编程练习 第7题 
Problem : 设计一个名为car的结构,用它存储下述有关汽车的信息: 生产商(存储在字符数组或string对象中的字符串)、
How many cars do you wish to catalog? 2
Car #1:
Please enter the make: Hudson Hornet
Please enter the year made: 1952
Car #2:
Please enter the make: Kaiser
Please enter the year made: 1951
Here is your collection:
1952 Hudson Hornet
1951 Kaiser
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct car{
	string name;
	int year;
int main()
	cout << "How many cars do you wish to catalog? ";
	int num;
	(cin >> num).get();
	car * c = new car[num];
	for(int i = 1 ; i <= num ; i ++){
		cout << "Car #" << i << ":" <<endl << "Please enter the make: ";
		getline(cin , c[i-1].name);
		cout << "Please enter the year made: ";
		(cin >> c[i-1].year).get();
	cout << "Here is your collection:" << endl;
	for(int i = 0 ; i < num ; i ++)
		cout << c[i].year << " " << c[i].name << endl;
	return 0;

Author : Yuuji 
Blog : blog.csdn.net/acm_yuuji 
Time : 2014/07/06
From : C++ Primer Plus第六版第五章编程练习 第8题 
Problem : 编写一个程序,它使用一个char数组和循环来每次读取一个单词,直到用户输入done为止。随后,该程序指出用户输入
Enter words (to stop, type the word done):
anteater birthday category dumpster
envy finagle geometry done for sure
You entered a toal of 7 words.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main()
	cout << "Enter words (to stop, type the word done):" << endl;
	char ch[20];
	int count = 0;
	while((cin >> ch) && strcmp(ch , "done"))
		count ++;
	cout << count << endl;
	return 0;

Author : Yuuji 
Blog : blog.csdn.net/acm_yuuji 
Time : 2014/07/06
From : C++ Primer Plus第六版第五章编程练习 第9题 
Problem : 编写一个满足前一个练习中描述的程序,但使用string对象而不是
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
	cout << "Enter words (to stop, type the word done):" << endl;
	string str;
	int count = 0;
	while(cin >> str && str != "done")
		count ++;
	cout << count << endl;
	return 0;

Author : Yuuji 
Blog : blog.csdn.net/acm_yuuji 
Time : 2014/07/06
From : C++ Primer Plus第六版第五章编程练习 第10题 
Problem : 编写一个使用嵌套循环的程序,要求用户输入一个值,指出要显示多少行。然后,程序将显示相应的行数的星号,其中
Enter number of rows: 5
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	cout << "Enter number of rows: ";
	int rows;
	cin >> rows;
	for(int i = 1 ; i <= 5 ; i ++){
		for(int j = 1 ; j <= 5 - i ; j ++)
			cout << ".";
		for(int j = 1 ; j <= i ; j ++)
			cout << "*";
		cout << endl;
	return 0;