
时间:2023-02-05 14:06:38

what is the best practice to create a .jar file from a java project??


6 个解决方案


Eclipse IDE is the best way for new comers. Just select the project right click export File, select jar anf filename.

Eclipse IDE是新来者的最佳方式。只需选择项目右键单击导出文件,选择jar anf filename。


Some points to consider:


  • Create proper MANIFEST.MF, which should contain:
    • Build date;
    • Author;
    • Implementation-version;
  • 创建适当的MANIFEST.MF,其中应包含:构建日期;作者;实现版本;

  • Use a script/program - like an Ant task - which takes care of properly creating a manifest file.
  • 使用脚本/程序 - 如Ant任务 - 负责正确创建清单文件。

Here's a simple ant file which builds a java project, adapted from the Ant tutorial:



<target name="clean">
    <delete dir="build"/>

<target name="compile">
    <mkdir dir="build/classes"/>
    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="build/classes"/>

<target name="jar">
    <mkdir dir="build/jar"/>
    <jar destfile="build/jar/HelloWorld.jar" basedir="build/classes">
            <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="1.0"/>

<target name="run">
    <java jar="build/jar/HelloWorld.jar" fork="true"/>



Read up on the basics of Sun's JAR format at this tutorial. In my opinion you should learn the basics -- namely MANIFESTs, the SDK tools -- before jumping into third party tools such as the following.

在本教程中阅读Sun的JAR格式的基础知识。在我看来,你应该学习基础知识 - 即MANIFESTs,SDK工具 - 然后再进入第三方工具,如下所示。

The Jar command line tool distributed with the Sun JDK:

与Sun JDK一起分发的Jar命令行工具:

jar -cf myjar.jar base_src_folder

Where base_src_folder is the parent directory holding your source code.


Alternatively you could use a build tool such as Apache Ant. It has features such as the JAR task to do this for you.

或者,您可以使用Apache Ant之类的构建工具。它具有诸如JAR任务之类的功能,可以为您完成此任务。


Apache Maven, for projects which are dependent on other projects.

Apache Maven,用于依赖于其他项目的项目。

Admittedly, Maven may be overkill for learning projects, but it is invaluable for larger, distributed ones.



Apache Ant


Ant is not quite easy to begin with. Instead, I would suggest using an IDE, for instance NetBeans, which creates an Ant script under the hood. All you have to do is to hit "build", and you get a .jar file as result.



Eclipse IDE is the best way for new comers. Just select the project right click export File, select jar anf filename.

Eclipse IDE是新来者的最佳方式。只需选择项目右键单击导出文件,选择jar anf filename。


Some points to consider:


  • Create proper MANIFEST.MF, which should contain:
    • Build date;
    • Author;
    • Implementation-version;
  • 创建适当的MANIFEST.MF,其中应包含:构建日期;作者;实现版本;

  • Use a script/program - like an Ant task - which takes care of properly creating a manifest file.
  • 使用脚本/程序 - 如Ant任务 - 负责正确创建清单文件。

Here's a simple ant file which builds a java project, adapted from the Ant tutorial:



<target name="clean">
    <delete dir="build"/>

<target name="compile">
    <mkdir dir="build/classes"/>
    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="build/classes"/>

<target name="jar">
    <mkdir dir="build/jar"/>
    <jar destfile="build/jar/HelloWorld.jar" basedir="build/classes">
            <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="1.0"/>

<target name="run">
    <java jar="build/jar/HelloWorld.jar" fork="true"/>



Read up on the basics of Sun's JAR format at this tutorial. In my opinion you should learn the basics -- namely MANIFESTs, the SDK tools -- before jumping into third party tools such as the following.

在本教程中阅读Sun的JAR格式的基础知识。在我看来,你应该学习基础知识 - 即MANIFESTs,SDK工具 - 然后再进入第三方工具,如下所示。

The Jar command line tool distributed with the Sun JDK:

与Sun JDK一起分发的Jar命令行工具:

jar -cf myjar.jar base_src_folder

Where base_src_folder is the parent directory holding your source code.


Alternatively you could use a build tool such as Apache Ant. It has features such as the JAR task to do this for you.

或者,您可以使用Apache Ant之类的构建工具。它具有诸如JAR任务之类的功能,可以为您完成此任务。


Apache Maven, for projects which are dependent on other projects.

Apache Maven,用于依赖于其他项目的项目。

Admittedly, Maven may be overkill for learning projects, but it is invaluable for larger, distributed ones.



Apache Ant


Ant is not quite easy to begin with. Instead, I would suggest using an IDE, for instance NetBeans, which creates an Ant script under the hood. All you have to do is to hit "build", and you get a .jar file as result.
