
时间:2023-01-23 21:09:46

One of the most powerful things about VB is ability to loop through objects in a collection WITHOUT referring to the index - for each loop.


I find it very useful only want to remove objects from a collection.


When doing removing objects from a predefined such as rows on a spread sheet the code is simpler if I use indexing and start at the largest and work back to the first. (Step -1 with an iterator) (otherwise requires an offset as the For each moves the enumerator pointer back to the previous object once the active one is deleted)




For intA = 10 to 1 step -1 
    ' ...

What about when using a For Each | Next eg.


For each rngCell in Selection.Cells
    ' ...

How could I loop backwards using the for each loop syntax?


3 个解决方案



An alternative using "For x = a To b Step -1" for a collection of cells:

对单元格集合使用“For x = a To b Step -1”的替代方法:

Sub reverseForEach()
    Dim lngCounter As Long, rng As Range

    Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:B5")

    For lngCounter = rng.Cells.Count To 1 Step -1

        Debug.Print rng(lngCounter).Address
        'rng(lngCounter) is shorthand for rng.item(lngCounter)

    Next lngCounter
End Sub

This should work with most collections that have the .item property.




For built in collections (eg a Range) the short answer is: you can't. For user defined collections the answer linked by @VBlades might be useful, although the cost might outweigh the benifit.

对于内置的集合(如范围),简单的答案是:你不能。对于用户定义的集合,@ vblade链接的答案可能是有用的,尽管成本可能超过收益。

One work around is to seperate the identification of items to be removed from the actual removal. Eg, for a range, build up a new range variable using Union, then process that variable, eg delete all the rows in one go. For the Range example, you can also take advantage of the Variant Array method to further speed things up.


Whether or not any of this is useful will depend on your actual use case.




use a second variable that is set as your wanted counter and use this one in your code


'ex: Loop from n = 19 to 16
For i = 0 To 3
   n = 19 - i
   'your code here using n as the counter



An alternative using "For x = a To b Step -1" for a collection of cells:

对单元格集合使用“For x = a To b Step -1”的替代方法:

Sub reverseForEach()
    Dim lngCounter As Long, rng As Range

    Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:B5")

    For lngCounter = rng.Cells.Count To 1 Step -1

        Debug.Print rng(lngCounter).Address
        'rng(lngCounter) is shorthand for rng.item(lngCounter)

    Next lngCounter
End Sub

This should work with most collections that have the .item property.




For built in collections (eg a Range) the short answer is: you can't. For user defined collections the answer linked by @VBlades might be useful, although the cost might outweigh the benifit.

对于内置的集合(如范围),简单的答案是:你不能。对于用户定义的集合,@ vblade链接的答案可能是有用的,尽管成本可能超过收益。

One work around is to seperate the identification of items to be removed from the actual removal. Eg, for a range, build up a new range variable using Union, then process that variable, eg delete all the rows in one go. For the Range example, you can also take advantage of the Variant Array method to further speed things up.


Whether or not any of this is useful will depend on your actual use case.




use a second variable that is set as your wanted counter and use this one in your code


'ex: Loop from n = 19 to 16
For i = 0 To 3
   n = 19 - i
   'your code here using n as the counter
